Chapter 1 Sad night sleep...

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I sat at the foot of my twin sister’s bed and watched her type angrily on her lap top. Her scene boy cut bright red hair was all in her face. She was rather upset by a recent turn of event that fell upon us. About five days ago our parents died in a car wreck and then today we received a letter from the royal office of some micro nation called the Kingdom of Pennington. The letter said that we were to be brought to the palace of Pennington in approximately one to one and a half weeks, and that once we got there everything would be explained to us.


“What the hell?! “ My sister said out loud as she sat her laptop on the bed, got off the bed, and began pacing the room. “I don’t get it!”


“P-p-please calm down Lia.” I begged her while  still sitting on the end of her bed.


“Calm down?! Calm down?! You want me to calm down?! How the hell are you not freaking too Luck?! Our parent’s just died five, almost six fricking days ago, and like today some royal letter appears in the mail saying that we have close to a week and a half before we have to visit a place we haven’t even heard of!!!!” She continued to shout.


“U-um… It could be worse…” I said trying to be the positive person I am.


She glared at me. “How so?!”


I took a second to think of an answer. “It could be raining..” She quickly pulled back the dark black and red striped curtains of the window she was closest to to reveal that it was indeed raining. “Oh… Um… We could be out on the streets?” I stated as if it was a question.


She sighed throwing herself onto the bed next to me. “I’m just really stressing out! I mean all we’ve ever known for our fifteen almost sixteen years of life is going to change, and I don’t want it to!” She laid her head on my shoulder as a few tears fell down her cheeks.


“It’s going to be alright.” Was the only thing I could tell her as I patted her head. I felt bad for her because she’s the type of person that can’t tolerate change. “How about you lie down and go to sleep?”


“What’s that gonna help?” She looked up at me with a questioning look.


I smiled to her. “It will help you to relax. Besides you don’t need worry lines on that pretty face of yours.”


“Whatever.”  She replied lying down. Luckily I removed her laptop before she laid on it. I placed the lap top on her desk plugging it’s charger into it before walking to the door.  “Good night Luck.” I heard her say from her bed.



I smiled and replied back to her, “Good night Lia.”, before I shut the door behind me and walked to my room across the hall for some well deserved rest.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2013 ⏰

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