A/N and Character Bios

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A/N: OK! I will be posting character bios before every chapter I introduce a new character. Also If you wish to add a character inbox me and I will give you a link to a place you can post the character info. People who's characters I use I will dedicate a chapter to you. Seeing how Wattpad only let's you dedicate one chapter to one person, and I will most likely put more than one persons's characters in each chapter. I will also put dedications in the A/N at the beginning or end of chapters.

OK! Now the first characters I would like to introduce is the two main characters.

 Name: Luck Jewel

Age: 15 ½

Gender: Male

Looks: Cross dresses. He has red hair that is cut like scene boy’s hair (When cross dressing he wears a long curly blond wig), brown eyes, and light tan completion. He wears dresses when going out or around anyone that is not family. 

Personality: He’s calm in situations most would be upset in, he's understanding, and he excites easy.

Background/History: Has been living in the small town of Pikeville, Kentucky with his family since he was little. When he was ten he started wearing girls clothes because he thought they looked pretty. Some of his friends quit being his friend because they thought he was weird, but his parents were accepting of his choice to cross dress so they bought him a few wigs as gifts so people couldn't tell much of a difference to make  fun of him.

Other things to know: He is four minutes older than his sister. When cross dressing he goes by the name Lilly. He also makes his voice higher pitched and speaks with a light British accent. His girl voice is quite convincing. When he dresses as Lilly he acts more confident and air headed. He is bisexual. He is quite the cook. He tends to accidentally cut himself when cooking.

Name: Lia Jewel

Age: 15 ½

Gender: Female

Looks: Cross dresses. She has red hair that is cut like scene boy’s hair, brown eyes, and light tan completion. She wears baggy clothes and black converse. Her most favorite thing to ware is a Jack Skellington ski hat that her dad bought her for Christmas when she was eight.

Personality: She’s easily upset, serious, a tomboy, and a worry wart.

Background/History: Has been living in the small town of Pikeville, Kentucky with her family since she was little. When she was seven she started wearing boy clothes because she thought they were comfortable. No one judged her.

Other things to know:  She tends to yell a lot when she's mad. Her voice makes her sound like a young boy. She likes to write stories and poems. She hates to be called a girl even though she is one. She's extremely flat chested. She only cries in front of her brother.

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