Learn to love again (A Justin Bieber love story)

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Emilys POV

My dad left me when I was 12, oh and I forgot to mention he is a vampire. And so is my mom . The thing is I havent Changed yet. I don't have to get bitten, I just have to wait for it to happen. I'm living with my mom my bestfriend Austin and Autumn. They are vampires too. My best friend Just died 3 weeks ago. I cry everyday constintly. She died in a shark attack. I was right next to her. I brought her to shore but she was already gone. I see her everywere. She was just sitting on her board right next to me. We were both waiting for a good wave. It just happened so fast. I just wish I would have been me. I mean It should have been me. If I wouldn't have let her have the spot then I would have been the one that would have gotten attacked. Autumn was there but she was with her brother.I was right there all I could see was blood. I keep thinking that if I would have paddled faster she would be here but doesn't change the fact that she is gone.

Mom; EM, I need to talk to you

Me; What *sniffles*

Mom; I invited My old friend Pattie and Her son Justin to live with us

Me; are we talking about Justin Bieber?

Mom; yeah

Me; Great

Mom; you need to be nice

Me; You don't need to worry I will just be in my room anyway

Mom; Have you felt anychanges yet?

Me; you said it would be painful, I havent felt any pain...... yet

Door bell rings

Mom; Will you go get the door

Me; I guess, your not going to get

Mom; *sigh*

Emily Opens the door.




Justin and Pattie come in and hug my mom


Austin; yeah?

Me; Will you help them bring in there stuff I'm going to lay down.

Austin; yeah sure

Justins POV

My mom told me that we were staying at one of her old friends house. Because My tour Ended and she wanted to visit some of her friends. We got to the house. It was really big


A blonde haired Girl opened the door. She was really beautiful she had really pretty green eyes and she was really skinny. Her eyes were red and puffy, so I think she has been crying. She called a boy down stairs. He helped me put my stuff in my room.

Me; Whats her name?

Austin; Who Blondie?

Me; haha yeah

Austin; Emily

Me; oh

Hears two people crying

Me; Is they ok?

Austin; Autumn is but Emily isn't . She's been through a lot she's like this everyday.

Me; What happened?

Austin; There best friend died in a shark Attack, Emily was on her board right next to her

Me; oh were they close?

Austin; you couldn't seperate the three of them

Me; Oh

Austin; yeah

~next morning~

Emilys POV

I woke up Autumn was on my floor. I felt dry tears on my face. I got up took a shower, Did my hair and put on  my purple tanktop and my skinny jeans that have the rips in them and I put on my ugs. I walked down stairs everyone was awake. 

Mom; oh look honey, you got a letter from you dad.

 I took the letter and put it in the trash

Mom; Why don't you write him back?

Me; It's not going to bring him back is it?

Mom; ..........................

Me; thats what I thought

Mom; Emily I can't help you if you push me away

Me; I'm not pushing you away, your doing it all by yourself


Austin; I'm going for a walk

Me; I'm coming with you

Austin; You know where I'm going right?

Me; yeah I wanna watch, I have to learn sometime

Austin; ok



Autumn; COMING

Mom; Emily please let me help you

Me; Mom, I can't do this right now. Please

Mom; Fine

Pattie; It's a horrible thing what happened, you should Just give her time

Mom; She wont talk to me and her dad writes but that doesn't change the fact that he left

Justin; Do you want me to talk to her?

Mom; yeah that would be great, when she gets back you guys can go watch a movie in the theature room or something.

Justin; You guys have a theature room?

mom; yeah

Justin; Do you think she will talk to me?

mom; I'm the only one she wont talk to well besides her father, Austin and Autumn have really been helping

Justin; ok Im going to take a shower

mom; ok sweetie

Pattie; Has she changed yet?

mom; No, It should be anyday now

Pattie; I'm just afriad that Justin will fall for her, you know

mom; She wont bite him, trust me

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