I'll love you forever

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My alarm went off. Just another day in the band. Nothing new. Other than it being fucking 5:30 in the morning. Apparently guitarists don't need beauty sleep.

" Hey man. Wake up. "

I nudged Gerard and he rolled off of the bed. It was kinda cute. But Gerard did it because he needs his beauty sleep. I'll probably end up carrying him to the tour bus or something.

" Not yet. I need my sleep. "

I pushed the blanket off of the bed and I heard him moving around. I got out of my bed and got changed into regular clothes. My hair can wait. I don't care what we're doing today. I just can't function at 5:30 in the fucking morning.

" Momma. We all go to hell. 5 more minutes won't hurt. "

I smiled and walked over to him. I pulled the blanket off with all of my might and landed on my ass. Gerard pulled the blanket back towards him and I went with it. I landed on top of him and I hugged him.

" Oh. What am I going to do. I can't leave the lead singer here while we go on tour. So he better wake the fuck up. I did it and you don't see me complaining. Whatever. I'm getting coffee. "

Gerard shot up and I laughed. His hair stuck out in all different directions. I ran away from him and went into mu kitchen. I turned the coffee machine on and he skidded into the kitchen.

" Is it done yet?"

I shook my head and he set his head on the counter. Him and Mikey live off of coffee. It's probably in their blood. Or they don't have blood it's just coffee.

" When do we have to leave?"

I looked at the clock and it was 5:40. We leave at 6:30. So we have 50 minutes.

" We have exactly 50 minutes. Figure it out yourself!"

He thumbs upped me and figured out when the bus would be here. I'm always the last to get picked up so Gerard stayed at my place last night.

He said that it would help with his beauty sleep. Everyone else gets up at about 4:00 am. So I guess 5:30 isn't that bad.

" Where is all my stuff?! I neeeeeed my eyeliner! "

I pulled my spare eyeliner out of my pocket and handed it to Gerard. He seemed pretty happy just because of eyeliner. He ran to the bathroom and about 5 minutes later he emerged with his eyeliner done.

" So? How do I look?"

I smiled and began playing with my hair. Hmhmhmhm.

" Pretty fabulous if you ask me. "

He hit me in the arm and I flopped out of the chair. I looked at the clock and heard the tour bus pull up. It's early. Waaaaay too early.

" Hurry and grab your stuff. They came here first for once. Sorry. "

I ran upstairs and grabbed my suitcases. When I headed down Gerard was already out the door and as I left I locked it. We pulled our stuff along with us and we got on the bus. No one else was on yet. Meaning they screwed with the route.

" We get first choice for bunks!"

I walked over to the bunks and Gerard chose the bunk on the top right hand side. He climbed in and I climbed into the top left side bunk. We pulled the curtains shut and made ourselves at home. I brought my little tv, Velcro and A dvd player. A little something I learned from Toro on our first tour. I put the Velcro all over the back of the tv and then on the wall. I stuck the tv there and it stayed. I did the same for the dvd player and I can say myself that I did a splendid job.

" Hey. Frank. Would you mind opening your curtain? I have an idea. "

I slid open my curtain and put a piece of wood between our bunks. He then made sure it could move up and down and slid it into place.

" Biggest bunk on the bus. Now you get to test it out. Roll on it. "

I crawled out of my bunk and crawled over to Gerards. It held my weight which is good. Gerard handed me four triangle wood things. He then hopped down and I did the same.

" Triangle things please. "

I handed him the triangle things and he found a drill. He drilled in the triangles and the bed was even more sturdy now. We both climbed back up and realized that you could slip off the edge.

" Hey. Gee. You have something to fix that right?"

He nodded and pulled two boards out of his bunk. He drilled them in too and showed how they moved. By the time we got to Mikeys we had our curtains and blankets all situated.

" You guys. Literally made a huge fort. Your lucky we can all walk under it. "

We laughed and disassembled the fort. Mikey just stared at us and then we put it back. We then headed off to Fro fros house. By the time we got there , we got more blankets and made the middle area comfortable. I was the first to move towards the middle. Our little walls had grown to full sized sliding walls. I put the tv and dvd player in the middle on the side we wouldn't use to enter and exit.

" Hey. Gee we don't have a show tonight and the guys are going to want to go to a bar. But I was thinking maybe we could stay behind and hang in our fort. "

Gerard hugged me and kissed my cheek.

" Sounds like a date. I'll totally stay behind. "

Mikey and Ray chose the bottom most bunks. There were four levels. Now that I think about it. Our fort could be bigger.

" Do you guys mind if we make the fort bigger but leave a space for you to walk through?"

I heard muffled Whatevers and crawled to Gerards private space and knocked on his wall.

" I asked and we have permission to make our fort bigger. There just has to be a walk way. "

Gerard opened his curtain and we got to work. The driver said we were on out way to California. The trip to get there would take a week. So we had plenty of time to finish our fort. By 9:00 pm we finished the whole fort.

" So. Date night is going to be totally awesome. "

I nodded and moved the pillows and blankets around. The walkway part is 3 feet wide and goes a bunk and a half down from the ceiling. The space between the bunks without the fort is 10 feet. Our tour bus is just huge. So we have 3 and and half feet extra on each side.

" Mikey and I are leaving. I'll text you guys when we get here. "

We heard the door to the bus close and Gerard knocked on my bed area. Date night starts now.

" Okay. I have it planned. Truth or dare and spin the bottle for two hours. Then a couple movies and we fall asleep. Sound good? I have food that I snuck in by my bed too. "

I let Gerard into my bed and he sunk into the large amounts of blankets. I giggled a little and he just pouted.

" Okay. Frankenstein. Truth -Or- Dare?"

If I get truth I have to answer one of those terrible questions that are really rumors that you hate. Dare is just surprising.

" Dare. "

Gerard laid down and gazed at the ceiling. He was thinking of a really good dare I hope. Gerard doesn't seem like the guy who would sit and play truth or dare in his free time.

" I dare you to kiss me. On the lips. "

Nothing new. It's not like I haven't kissed him a million and one times of stage. I quickly kissed him and he just sat there.

" Gee-Bear. Truth or dare?"

I'll love you foreverWhere stories live. Discover now