Chapter 3: The Quest Begins

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Helloooo!! Sorry I haven't been uploading, but here's the next chapter of "The Lost Princess"! I'm hoping to find some kind of pattern to upload but it's just not coming to me, so these uploads might be at random, haha. ANYWAY! ENJOYY!! :D


Mrs. Smith was hesitant to let Jacob go on the journey with me, but in the end she gave in, with lots of reasoning and persuasion from him. She didn’t actually know the real reason why we were going- I knew she’d freak even more if she did. There were many risks to this journey, but I must get this done.

By dawn we were off. Mum had supplied me with much, much more than I would need- lots of clothes, dry food, money, and other necessaties. Mrs. Smith let us bring Jacob’s horse, Buttercup, to ease the journey. With Jacob at the reigns and me sitting behind him, we rode off into the growing sunlight of the morning. Our mothers waved from the cottages, and I waved back. Mrs. Smith looked as if she was ready to cry, but Mother gazed at us with a strong expression, as if to say, You know what to do. I was excited, yet scared; the path before us held many mysteries and adventures.

Arriving at the next village, called Rion, we decided to rest at an inn, for fear of bandits that could come around the village at night. The sun was already an orangey haze of sunset, so it was perfect timing. After looking around in the small village I spotted an inn and headed toward it.

“Wait.” Jacob stopped me, grabbing my arm. “It... It doesn’t look like a good place to stay.”

“What do you mean?” I asked. “It seems fine.”

“Can’t you hear the voices?” He said cautiously. “It doesn’t sound like good people in there. Probably a bunch of drunk men.”

“There’s nothing to worry about, Jacob,” I reasoned. “Nothing’s going to happen. What could go wrong?”

“A lot of stuff,” I heard him mutter, but ignored it as I began to march into the inn.

It was loud in there. The inn was busy serving lots of people- men. Jacob was right. But so what if he was right? We were strong, and it was only one night.

“Excuse me,” I said to the clerk. “Can I have two single rooms please?”

“Actually,” Jacob interrupted, “One would be fine.” I whipped my head up to stare at him in horror. What was he thinking? We couldn’t share the same room!

“What-” I protested, but he pushed me back insistently.

The clerk eyed us carefully and chuckled. “Nervous newlyweds, eh? You picked yourself a shy one there, son.”

Jacob played along -I couldn’t believe he was playing along!- and laughed. “Not at all sir.” He said. “She’s a feisty one.” They laughed together, and my face burned.

“I’m not-” I began.

“-Going to sleep alone. I know.” Jacob finished with a smile.

My mouth hung open in disbelief. This couldn’t be happening. After Jacob payed, I jerked him aside. “What was that?!” I demanded.

“Come on now, darling!” He smirked.

“Stop that!” I commanded giving him a weak shove.

“You’re not having a room to yourself.” He stated simply, serious again.

“Why not?! I can’t sleep in the same room as you!”

“This place isn’t safe. Someone could break into your room and hurt you.” He sighed, and added, “Look, I’ll sleep on the ground if you want. But I can’t leave you alone.”

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2011 ⏰

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