Chapter 2: The Truth

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Hello! So, this is just another short chapter of the story, but don't fret! There's more coming soon! ;)  I'm sorry if this chappie seems kinda lame, but I had no better way to describe this scene, haha. But keep in touch with this, cuz I've got the whole thing planned out, and I will upload soon! Alright, get reading and enjoy! Ciao!

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I searched my mother’s face for any sign that she was joking. She stared back in total seriousness. “What... What happened during the fire?” I asked slowly.

“A fire was set upon the kingdom sixteen years ago,” Mother began. “It spread viciously all the way to the palace. Back then I served for the King and Queen, your real mother and father. Everything was destroyed. Those who survived either escaped or was captured by the new ruler.”

“Who’s the new ruler?” I wondered.

“Your Uncle Lester. He has always been jealous that your father became King, so he destroyed the kingdom and took over. According to what I’ve heard, he’s ruling horribly, and the people are suffering. I believe you’re now old enough to save the kingdom. You must find the original heir and defeat Lester.” Mother explained.

“You mean... I’m not the heir? There’s someone else?”

“You have a twin brother, Annabelle.” She said. “His name is Elias. When I found you in the tower, he was nowhere to be seen. I’m not sure if he’s still alive, but if he is, you must find him so he can restore the kingdom.”

“How can I be sure?” There were so many questions reeling in my mind. It was all so much to take in. I hoped it was a dream, a horrible nightmare, and that I would wake up soon. “Mother, I can’t do this!”

“You must!” She insisted. “I’ve heard of a gypsy, Mother Naira. She can tell you if he’s still alive. Find her in the gypsy forest, at the edge of the village of Uew.  A little ways farther and you will reach the kingdom after that. I know you can do this.” Mother held my hands in her own, and she stared straight into my eyes, a determined look on her face.

“Tell me this is a dream,” I murmured weakly. “Tell me this isn’t true.”

“Get yourself together, Annabelle! This is not a joke or a dream. This is true, and you must do this!”

“I can’t.”

“Yes, you can. I’ll start packing your things for the trip.” Mother got up, and I raced after her.

“Come with me, Mother!” I suggested. “Please, I can’t do it without you.”

“That cannot be done,” She replied quietly. “I’ll be recognized. But no one knows you, and you can only be recognized with your violet eyes. That’s why you must not make eye contact with anyone. Avert your eyes at all costs. Promise me.”

Hesitantly, I nodded. “I... I promise.” Mother seemed so serious about this. My only choice was to trust her. “I’ll go. And I’ll try my best.”

She nodded approvingly. “That’s my girl,” she said softly, smoothing my hair with a gentle smile.

I’m set to leave tomorrow at dawn. Mother has packed me plenty of food and clothes, and some money in case I needed more. Before I left, I decided to visit Jacob. I can’t go without saying goodbye.

Jacob’s mother Mrs. Smith greeted me warmly as she opened the door for me.

“Is Jacob here?” I asked her.

“He just got back from working at the Blacksmiths’.” His mother told me. “Please sit down as you wait. He’ll be here soon after washing up.”

I sat down in a chair and bit out of a biscuit Mrs. Smith offered to me. Jacob came in, rubbing his hair with a towel.

“Mum, do you need any help making supp-” he stopped when he saw me. “Hello, Annabelle. What brings you here?” He sat down across from me. His hair was tousled from the shower, sticking up at random angles. “Missed me?” He asked teasingly with a cocky grin.

“Not in a million years,” I teased back. We laughed, but then I grew serious.

“I won’t being seeing you for a while, Jacob.” I said.

He looked confused. “What? Why?”

“I’m leaving.” I explained. “My mother will stay, but I must go on a journey, a quest if you will.” I gave him a small smile.

“Don’t tell me you’re one of those storybook princesses on a quest to save the world,” He joked.

“You’ve got the basic idea,” I replied.

Jacob laughed, clear and strong. “Amazing,” he said. “So, when are you off? Tonight?” He gave me a teasing nudge.

“I’m actually quite sincere, Jacob.” I say seriously. “I’m leaving. Tomorrow at dawn.”

He stopped his jokes as he stared at me. “Really?”

“Really.” I assured him.

“What for?”

“As you guessed, I’m a princess going out to save the world. Or at least, my kingdom.” I said, propping my elbows up and resting my chin on my knuckles.

“You can’t be serious.” My childhood friend furrowed his brows.

“But I am.” I answered with a challenging tone. I began to explain to him everything Mother had just told me- my true identity, my uncle Lester, and the goal of my journey. I had only just absorbed the information myself, and I was already spreading the unbelievable news.

“That’s quite unbelievable.” Jacob said in awe when I finished. There was a pause. “...However, I believe you. And I’m coming with you.”

“What? Jacob, you can’t. What about your mother?” I protested.

“She’s safe here, and she has your mother. Or... Your foster mother.” He corrected himself. I nodded thoughtfully. “And you’ll probably need protection.”

I nearly laughed. “Really?” I said with a teasing tone.

“Of course!”

This got me giggling, and it wasn’t until Jacob shot me a glare that I quieted. “And how are you to do that?” I asked, stifling more giggles from bursting.

“If you didn’t know already, I do know how to fight.” He said. “My grandfather trained me to fight...” He paused as he ran into the house, and came back holding a long piece of cloth. “...With this.” Jacob uncovered the object to reveal a sword. A real sword! My eyes widened in amazement.

“You know how to fight with this?” I gasped in admiration.

“This, and a few other weapons.” He smiled smugly.

I recovered, and hit him playfully on the arm. “Whatever. Don’t be so full of yourself. But you must teach how to fight. I might need it.”

“Only if you let me come with you.” Jacob shot me a grin.

“Fine,” I sighed, rolling my eyes. He pumped his fist in victory, and I laughed. “Go talk to your mother,” I commanded, pushing him away. This journey may turn out better than I thought.  

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