Chapter 1

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Jungkook's POV

I moved to a different University today.

My dad has been moved to a different area at his work. He works in the government and after being transferred from Busan to the busy city of Seoul, I found myself adapting to a new environment. I'm not very pleased having to adjust to such change but seeing my dad's wide smile and my mom's excited exclaims, I don't really mind much anymore.

So a week prior to our trip to Seoul, I quickly invited Hoseok hyung over to talk to him about our rather complicated relationship. I've been dating him for a few months now, out of curiosity and just for fun, and told him that we should break up, seeing that we don't want to complicate anything more if we have to deal with a long distance relationship.

Aside from being my (ex) boyfriend, I consider Hoseok hyung as my best friend. So it was easy breaking up with him because of the mutual agreement between us and we agreed that it's finally time to stop playing around and find someone who we actually want to be with. After all, our relationship has always been platonic.

Right now, I'm in front of the door of my new apartment with an anxious feeling. I've never lived anywhere aside my own house back in Busan. Being new in Seoul is already hard enough so being new at school and living with someone new is already quite too much for me to handle all at once.

I met up with the landlord earlier who told me my apartment number and gave me my new keys. He was nice and told me that my roommate already arrived earlier than me and has been enthusiactically waiting for my arrival.

I immediately groaned at that thought. I've never been a friendly type and I would hate to come across as an asshole to my roommate if I don't share the same amount of enthusiasm he has. But, at least it reassures me that my roommate must be friendly.

After a few more moments of stalling my time from accepting that I'm finally in University and sharing a new space with someone, I took a deep breath before lifting up my hand and knocking on the door with my knuckles.

I heard some shuffling inside before the door finally swings opened.

A guy with broad shoulders, but not so bulky body, came into view. Despite having such a manly body, he has a very cute and pretty face. He's so pretty it hurts.

Said guy is smiling wide, too wide for my comfort but I tried smiling back, which I'm afraid probably looks more like a grimace. But I tried because no matter how much I'm hating this situation right now, I still want to give a good first impression especially that I will have to spend quite a long time with him.

"Uh, hi, I'm Jeon Jeongguk," I said and the other guy beams.

"Oh my god, hi! I'm Kim Seokjin, Jin for short, and I'm guessing you're my roommate," Seokjin introduces before opening the door wider to let me in.

"Come in," he says.

I gave him another smile before letting myself in. I quickly removed my sneakers and set down my bag to look around the space.

The apartment is in a better condition than I thought. There's a small living room, small kitchen, a bathroom, and two doors that I believe are the two rooms. One for me, one for Jin.

The apartment is also pretty clean so I think at least Jin doesn't like dirty dorm. I definitely don't have a problem with that.

"Um, which one is my room?" I asked as polite as possible. Jin turned to me and pointed at the door on the left. "Right over there," He says and I quickly thanked him before grabbing my bag once again and saunters off towards my room.

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