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"I got this feeling, Inside my bones.
It goes electric wavey when I turn it on.
All through my city, all through my home,
We're flying up no ceiling when we're in our zone."
~Cant stop the feeling, Justin Timberlake.



I heard the door bell ring and James came in with a cheeky grin.

He told me that we were going to a park.

I refused, saying that I was tired.

He told me that I was going and he was accepting no more excuses.

I let out a sigh and gave in, as we got into his car .

After a long drive, we reached there.

I saw a typical park with children racing towards the swings and the seesaws , citizens using gym equipments, tracks with people jogging etcetera .

We occupied a park bench and I looked at him with a what- now look .

He smiled and proclaimed that we were going to play a game called ' The pickup line challenge '.

Hell no !
I looked at him with unbelieving eyes and shook my head no .

He gave me his puppy -dog -eyes look . He does it the same way like you do it .

Adorable .

Cute .

Chubbybunny-oh-so cute type !

It reminds me of you .

Reality hit me .
I don't need you .
I lost myself running behind you .
I need to find my way back home and that's what James is helping me to do.

He is helping me find myself .

The old jovial me .
The one that didn't give a damn to all haters .
Like they say it in the Taylor swift break-up dictionary .
I used to shake it off !

But now....Hitting on random guys ?
I don't know .

There's a lot happening and I didn't know how to react .
I stood fiddling with my hands thinking about the things I've lost.
I was silent and confused .

He seemed upset .
He remained quite for the next five minutes .
It took me a while to realize that he had everything planned out to cheer me up .

This girl has got to go to the lost and found department now !
And she has to find herself !

I get up and walk past a guy leaning at a nearby tree.
Then, I walk past him again and I put my hands on the hips, with my eyebrows scrunched up.

He gave me a confused look .

'Do you believe in love at first sight or do I have to walk past you again ? ' I exclaim dramatically repeating the only pickup line I remembered .

I expected him to give a weird look and go.
He stood there .

'Yes, I do believe in love at first sight . The thing is, that you are just not the one. I am not interested in you and your cheap pickup lines. You are ugly ! You are U-G-L-Y ! So Nada ! Bye .'

I stand there shocked .
Great !Now, the little self esteem I had, seemed drained,
Leaving me depressed and weak .
I am about to cry .
I look up to the sky .

Like it goes in the one direction song,

' Do you know the reasons why we look up to the sky ?'

All I want to do is shout ' Yes ! I do know the reason . It's just to send the tears in so that we don't cry .'

I look at James .
He was mouthing questions at me .
I take in the tears and gave him a plastic smile .
He motioned towards the gate indicating that he would go get the car .
I mouth back 'okay'.

Now I know the reason why you didn't like me .
I know I'm not beautiful but I didn't know I was that ugly .

I'm ugly .
That's who I am .

Charlie ,



' You don't have to say Lumos Maxima to turn me on '

' Have you survived Avada kadavra, cause damn girl, you are drop dead gorgeous '

'Are you google, 'cause I found everything that I've been looking for.'

'I came here for an easy run but, you make my heart do a speed run.'

' Those hands look heavy, let me hold them for you.'

Make sure to comment your favourite pick up line !

Thank youuuu <3

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