HLSE (02)

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A/n: I have no life until I have to go to bball practice tomorrow bcuz #BIL

"What the hell was his problem?" Dylan said as he threw a tiny basketball up and down in your room, you were working on your homework as he thought about Brett. You pretended to be clueless, and shrugged your shoulders, but as your phone vibrated, Dylan looked your way. The ball dropped and he caught it, while he still had his gaze on you. "Who is that?" He asked, sitting up and coming closer to you to look at your phone. You locked your phone but only after you caught a glimpse of the sender.

It was Brett.

"No one," you said with a small smile and went back to working on your homework. Dylan furrowed his eyebrows and went back to throwing the ball up in the air, then catching it.

You rolled your eyes as he kept talking about the fight. "Brett is a good puncher I'll give him that," he said and you set down your pencil.

You knew he wanted to say more but right now you couldn't stand him and his ego. "I can tell by the big black eye you have," you snapped and got off your bed walking out of your room. You didn't forget to take your phone with you as you headed down the stairs and into the kitchen. You opened the fridge and looked at the snacks you could eat. You decided to just go with making yourself a peanut butter and jelly sandwich. So you grabbed the grape jelly and closed the fridge. Then you looked for the peanut butter and grabbed it. Next you got your bread and put it into the toaster, and set the timer.

Meanwhile as you waited for your bread to toast, you unlocked your phone and opened Brett's message:

From Brett - I need a distraction, want to do something tonight?

A small smile rose on your lips as you quickly replied back to him.

To Brett - What did you have in mind?

You set down your phone as you heard the little ting! Your bread was done toasting and you grabbed the two pieces and spread peanut butter and jelly on both sides. You set down the sandwich on a plate you grabbed earlier and put away the peanut butter and jelly, seconds later you heard footsteps coming down your stairs.

"What are you doing down here? It felt like you've been gone for ages... I missed you (y/n)," said in a teasingly way as he walked over and picked up the sandwich you just made and took a bite out of it.

"Thanks," you said and he looked up at you, the sandwich in his hands. "I made that for myself and... Ugh, I need to get out of here!" You said walking away from him but he followed you as you ran to your room.

"Wait, wait!" He called behind you, you closed your room door and locked it. "I'll give you back the sandwich, there's hardly any gone." He said in a quiet voice, it was cute that he felt bad.

"And you left your phone downstairs, but I picked it up and..." You heard the ting and you paled, quickly turning around and unlocking the door. You opened it to see Dylan looking down at it with a look of betrayal on his handsome face. "You're going out with Brett tonight. After everything he did to me?" He asked as if you had just committed a horrible crime. You reached out to take your phone from him but he raised his hand so that you couldn't grab it. You stepped closer to him and him held the phone higher.

"Dylan give me my phone back!" You yelled, jumping up to grab it but he kept moving it. Annoyed you pushed his chest but he barely moved, and you pushed again, and again until you found yourself into of him trying to pry the phone out of his hands. "Just give me it!" You yelled and he clasped his hands around it tighter. Your knees were on both sides of his torso, you were sitting on him, basically, and your hands were resting on his chest as you hovered above him.

"Tell me why you're going out with Brett?" He ordered and you scoffed sitting up on him and crossing your arms over your chest.

"Tell my why I should have to tell you?"

"Because he hit me today for no reason."

"Maybe he had a reason."

"Which was...?" He asked curiously. You rolled your eyes and took your phone from his hands since he want paying any attention to it anymore. But before you could get off of him he grabbed your hips and held you. You tried to hide the redness that creeped onto your cheeks, luckily he didn't seem to notice.

You looked down and blinked a couple of times, trying to find the right words to say. "He was protecting a friend." You said and Dylan let go of your wrists so you got off of him and headed into your room. You pulled on a yellow dress and a brown leather jacket that rested above your waist. You decided to put your hair up in a bun and wear black toms to finish your look. Whatever look you were going for. Dylan walked in and leaned on the doorstep, the peanut butter and jelly still in his hands. You turned to face him and raised your eyebrows.

He looked at the sandwich in his hands and chuckled. "You still want this?" He asked and you walked over to him. You took the sandwich and took a bite out of it before handing it back to him. He shrugged and finished the rest of it, then cleared his throat as he looked at you again. "Me and Natalie, we uh, there was nothing that was going to happen there." He explained slowly as he watched your expression, he was looking for something.

"Today it looked like something already did," you said and he chuckled again.

"Look, I'm sorry, I must be the worst best friend in the world?" He said, looking for our pity, and you gave it to him.

"Not the worst, close, but not the worst." You said and he nodded, there was a weak smile spread on his lips. "Look you should've just told me you hated being my wing woman." Really? That was what he was apologizing for?

"How did you ever find out?" You asked sarcastically, inwardly screaming at his stupidity. Why was it so hard for him to figure out the real reason you hated having to talk him up with girls?

"Because I realized it would be the only logical reason why you would be mad..." He said and you pushed past him, heading down the stairs. He followed close behind and as you reached to open the door he pressed his hand on it. "Please don't be mad at me, I hate it when you're mad." He said and you let out a sigh.

"Brett's waiting for me outside, you're going to make me late."

"He can wait. Look (y/n) you're my best friend and I love you," he paused. Not in the way that I love you, you said to yourself. "I'll never make you talk to the girls I'm interested ever again." He promised and you nodded.

"I forgive you." Those three words were easy to say, but they weren't the ones you wanted to tell him.

A smile made its way to his face.

"I leave when you go." He said when you opened the door and walked out the door, Dylan on your mind.

An hour and a half later...

You walked up to your house door and unlocked it, then you opened the door and stepped inside. You were surprised to see all the lights in your house were still on. You closed and locked your door then walked further into your house, only to be greeted by your best friend. He was sitting on the couch, watching TV, but he looked at you when you walked into the room. "I'm stupid, (y/n)." He said as he got up off the couch and walked towards you until he was only a foot away.

"You are?" You asked confused.

"Yes, because I don't see what I have right in front of me," he said stepping closer to you, you could feel his breath fan your skin. You swallowed and looked into his bright brown eyes.

"And what do you have?" You asked breathlessly.

His hands cupped your face and his lips brushed over yours, "you." He whispered before his lips smashed onto yours passionately.

A/n: last update tonite.

Dylan O'Brien (ıṃѧɢıṅєṡ & ƿяєғєяєṅċєṡ)Where stories live. Discover now