He Breaks Up With You| Fight (Tenth Imagine)

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Take a deep breath in through your nose, out through your mouth. Repeat that twice. Do it over, until your stomach cramps feel better. You squirm in your bed as your try to become comfortable with the pain erupting in your stomach every five minutes. Your doctor prescribed you medicine to make the pain reduce, but it hasn't set in yet. Another cramp came, tears running down your eyes, you held your stomach instinctively. Your mom was all the way downstairs, in the kitchen, you felt like puking if you had to walk at any point of today.

Your cell phone laid on your nightstand, only mere inches away. As you reached for it, another cramp came this one was worse than the others. You screamed and began to whimper a bit. "You doing okay, Hun?" Your mother asked handing the pills to you. You took them and laid your head back onto the pillow.

"It's nothing I haven't had before," you smiled weakly up at your mother.

"I have to leave for work now. If you need anything you know what number to call," your mother said before walking out of your room. You watched as she left, then looked out your window waiting to see her car leave.

Once it did, you closed your eyes, only to be bothered again five minutes later. The buzzing of your (whatever kind of phone you have/want) caused you to turn over and grab it, answering the call without looking to see who it was. Your voice was raspy and rough, "hello?"

"(Y/N)? You alright, you sound bad. . ." You let out a snort, before wiping your eyes.

"I'm fine," you said. "Who is this?" For some reason you couldn't place whose voice it was. Although it was familiar.

"It's Aria, duh! I've been your bestie for years and you don't remember my voice? I'm crushed, (y/n)." You just rubbed your head, but listened in as you heard someone else's voice on the other end of the phone. It sounded like your boyfriends - Dylan. But why was he with your best friend?

"Oh - uh sorry. Everything is all hazy for me, I just woke up like an hour ago." There was a gasp on the other end, but something inside your mind told you it wasn't a reaction to what you said.

"Babe calm down!" You heard in the background.

"Who is that?" You asked suddenly interested in where she was.

"That? Who is who? I didn't hear anything."

"I did."

"You're just imagining things, (Y/N)." You rubbed your forehead and let out a frustrated sigh.

"I guess so, whatever. Where are you anyway? Can't you come and watch movies with me, I need company?" You asked. You heard your friend laugh and you rolled your eyes.

"I can't," you frowned. Hanging up you stared at your phone, wondering if you should call Dylan or not. He told you he'd be free earlier, and you really wanted to see him. You didn't know if it was because your hormones seemed all over the place, or you just missed him. Probably both.

So, dialing his number, you awaited until you heard his voice on the other end. "Hey," mistakenly you let a cough escape you mouth. "(Y/N), you alright, babe?" You coughed again, trying to clear your voice so you didn't sound like a dead cat.

"Y-yeah," cough, "I'm fine." Another cramp came and you winced as you took the familiar pain.

"That's good, so what did you need?"

You didn't know if you wanted to ask him to come over anymore, it seemed like he was trying to rush the conversation between the two. As if there was something else he needed to be doing. Thats when you noticed the music, the same music in the background when you and Aria were talking. "I just wanted to know if you wanted to come over and watch some movies with me?" Your cramp went away, the pain died down letting you breath in normally again, letting you speak normally. "I'm bored, all alone by myself. Aria is busy, she can't come over. And I miss you Dylan."

Dylan O'Brien (ıṃѧɢıṅєṡ & ƿяєғєяєṅċєṡ)Where stories live. Discover now