Untitled Part 2

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Fist love....

One our most valuable and innocent memories. A bittersweet memory that fills us with laughter and tears.

A fist love is something so memorable due to the fact that it happens unexpectedly so naturally. You don't ask for it. It just comes to you and leaves a mark that can never truly be forgotten.

As of me my first love was a bit of both a blessing and curse since I was able to have him near for a very long time. It all began 6th grade year. During that time I was a chubby duckling. I didn't really speak much and honestly I was a very weird being. I never really felt like I fitted in but as long as I had people talking to me I was happy. Now him he was a bit different that I he got along with everyone and he was also a bit of a trouble maker. Our first encounter happened in mariachi class by coincidence or maybe faith my last name ended up being his first name so when my name was called we ended up staring at each other blankly trying to figure out just exactly who each other was. I won't say it was love at first sight because it really wasn't but I can't truly explain how I ended up falling for that goof ball either. All I recall is fooling around during mariachi class we would end up sword fighting with the violin bows, sneaking into the stage and breaking just about anything that we could lay our hands on. We were a group of growing kids just trying to have fun but what we didn't know is that we were also about to experience life itself.

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