Just How Life Is. Chapter 15

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“Mom! Dan!” I said, as my mom and Dan came through the front door that Monday night. They were back from their trips.

My mom engulfed my in a hug as so did Dan. Then Jared walked in the room.

“I hope you guys didn’t get into any fights while we were gone,” my mom said, eyes moving between us.

My eyes flickered to Jared and he gave me a warning glance, “Nope. We just avoided each other,” I said with a cheesy smile.

Dan eyed Jared suspiciously, and Jared just replied with a normal smile. Dan exchanged looks with mom, they shrugged.

After that we had dinner and got caught up, which made me realize so much had happened in so little time. Within five days I had found out so much about Troy and had gotten close to him, probably the closest person in his life right now.

As I started to get lost in my thoughts my mother spoke to me, “Skye, anything new happen?”

Oh, let’s see. Found out this dude I like gets abused by his dad, and Jared locked me in a closet. Oh! Danny has something to do with some druggies at school. Still gotta figure that one out. “Nope, nothing really.”


Troy ran into first period English just before the bell rang; Mrs. Wilson gave him a look but he ignored it. She sighed and turned to the rest of the class. “Ok, get in your groups.”

Faith and I were snickering as we sat with Troy. “Have trouble getting here?” I asked.

He rolled his eyes but smiled a little, “You have no idea. I think Mrs. Heyy is stalking me.”

“Why would the school guidance counselor be stalking you?” Faith asked.

Troy and I exchanged looks then he looked at Faith, “Well you know, with my rep, she wants me to open up or something.”

“Oh, that’s odd then.”

“Let’s get to work!” I said, trying to change the subject. Faith laughed but nodded; Troy gave me a thankful look.

Just as we started to work, Mrs. Heyy walked into the classroom. Troy muttered a curse and put his hood up. Faith raised an eyebrow. Unfortunately, Troy’s hope to hide failed and Mrs. Heyy walked over to him after she had spoken to Mrs. Wilson.

“Troy,” she said. By now basically everyone in the class was starting to pay attention.

Troy put down his hood and looked up at her with an innocent face, “Yes?”

“Can I speak with you in my office?”

I noticed Troy gulped, “I suppose, but I’ll be behind in my work,” he said motioning to his papers on his desk.

She crossed her arms, “I don’t think you’ll be that behind. Now, come on.”

Troy sighed and muttered a word that rhymed with “duck”. He stood up and followed behind Mrs. Heyy.

“I wonder what she wants to talk to him about.” Faith said. 

I nodded; I hope it wouldn’t be too bad.

**Troy’s P.O.V.**

I sat down in a chair in front of Mrs. Heyy’s desk. She was across from me, her eyes trying to pierce through mine; I just kept my bangs over my eyes.

“Troy, do you know why I wanted to speak with you?” she asked.


She sighed, “I’m worried about you Troy. All these rumors about you getting in fights and you’re always coming in with bruises and cuts. What’s going on?”

I was quiet for a few moments, “You caught me, I do street fights for money,” I said, looking her dead in the eyes through my hair.

She tilted her head at me, her long dirty blonde hair flowing, “You see Troy, I don’t really believe that.”

“And why not?”

“You just don’t seem like that kind of person.”

“And how do you know that? You don’t know me,” I snapped at her, then I bit my tongue, don’t lose your cool.

She didn’t say anything then sighed, “Why are you so secretive Troy? You’re so closed off.”

I ignored her and moved my head to look away from her.

Then she surprised me, “Troy, have you ever had thoughts of suicide?”

What?!” my head flipped back to her, my bans moving away from my eyes.

“If you do, we need to know so we can get you help,” she said in a sincere voice. Don’t trust it.

“I’m out of here,” I muttered, beginning to stand.

“Wait!” I stopped moving, “Troy, please sit. I just want to talk.”

I frowned deeply, but stayed in my seat. “No, I do not have thoughts of suicide.” Death just follows me.

She stared at me for a moment; judging. “Do you have problems at home?”

I stopped breathing for a moment, “No…” I drug out the word in a hard, uncertain voice.

“Troy, please, if there’s a problem I need to know,” she said leaning forward.

I think I started to freak out a little, Should I tell her? No, he would kill me. But what if I didn’t tell, then I might still die. Should I even trust her? I hardly knew this lady; she might not care at all.

I ran a hand through my hair, “Um, I have to piss.” Then I got up and practically ran out the door before she could say anything.

I stood in the bathroom in front of the sink letting the faucet run; I stared at myself in the mirror. Black hair, blue eyes, pale skin with a faded scar and cut, random band tee shirt and jacket. I flipped my hair out of my eyes and stared at them. I guess they were a cool color; it was dark blue at the edges then faded to a light blue around the pupils. I shrugged and turned off the faucet.

I groaned as my back started to hurt, then a freshmen came in. At first he didn’t notice me, but when he did, he stopped in his tracks and stared wide eyed. I rolled my eyes, I guess rumors spread well, then I walked past him out of the bathroom.

I silently walked back into my English class and sat back down with Skye and Faith. Skye was looking at me with worried and questioning eyes while Faith was just looking at me confused.

“So how’d it go?” Faith asked.

I shrugged, “It went how you’d expect it to.”

I noticed Skye was looking at me; we locked eyes. I really, really wanted to talk to Skye, but I just didn’t know when. Faith looked between us and her eyebrow raised with a smirk. Skye seemed to have realized that we were staring at each other so she shook her head and looked at the desk.

When the bell had rung I walked passed her but whispered in her ear, “I want to talk to you later.”

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