Just How Life Is. Chapter 3

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“What?! What?!” Jake whispered urgently through my phone. I glared at it, hung up, then put it in my pocket.

I walked a little closer to Troy, he didn’t notice me though as he stood leaning against the light post. It was still raining pretty heavily and he was pretty soaked, and wearing only a T-shirt and jeans. He’s going to get sick.

I decided to walk up to him. He looked surprised to see me walking towards him. He opened his mouth as if to say something but then shut it and looked at the ground. Then I realized he wasn’t crying; it was just the way the rain was.

“Your all beat up,” I said after a moment. The bruise on his face now had a large cut on it as if it had burst, and it was slowly bleeding. There were other bruises along his arms, too.

“Er, yeah. It seems I’ve made a few enemies,” he said, putting his hand on the back of his head and looking off into the distance. I could see some old scars on the bottom of his arms. Odd…

“So what are you doing out here?” he asked.

I could ask you the same thing. “I took a walk then got lost.”

He smiled a little but because of his face bruise it looked more like a twitch. “You’re getting soaked,” he said after a few seconds, looking at my wet hair that was out of my hood. Hmm, I was getting soaked.

“So are you,” I replied.

“Hmm, yeah.”

“Maybe you should go to a doctor or something…” I said, he looked pretty beaten up, and that cut on his face might get infected.

His eyes widened a little at my suggestion, but he just shook his head no, “I’ll be fine.” Then he looked around, it was pretty dark out. “Do you want me to walk you home? Who knows what kind of creepers will be out.”

“Oh, you don’t have to walk with me, I’ll be fine,” I said hurriedly.

He rolled his eyes, “Do you even know how to get to your house from here?”

“Do you?”

He rolled his eyes, again. “I’ve walked around this neighborhood a lot. I think I know how to get you back to your area.”

I thought about that logic, and then had a chill from the rain. “Sure, whatever, I’m freezing.” We started walking, but it looked like he was limping a little. “So really, what happened to you?”

He was quiet for a moment, his eyes on the ground. “I told you, I have a lot of enemies.”

“So you got jumped?”

“Kind of.”

“Kind of?”

He stopped and looked at me, “Why do you care?” his hair was completely covering his eyes and I couldn’t see any of that blue from them.

Although I was a little taken back from his sudden question; you would think that if he was in a street fight he would brag about it. But I can be a little too curious, I suppose. I shrugged and started walking again, “I’m just curious. I mean you’re always beat up…”

“And like I’ve said, enemies.” His voice was now cold and harsh. I probably shouldn’t bring up this subject anymore.

After a few minutes of walking Troy stopped, when I looked at him he motioned out his hand to a street. This street looks familiar. Oh! It’s my street… ha ha.

I looked back at Troy, “Thanks for walking me.”

“No problem,” he said shortly, his arms crossed.

“Well, bye. And, take care of that cut on your face,” then I turned and walked back to my house.

~*~ ~*~

I walked to my locker before homeroom and sighed. Jared wouldn’t let me have my iPod and yelled at me for coming home soaked. At least when mom gets home he shuts up.


I turned to hear my name get shouted, but somehow I ended up on the ground. Oh, Jake just tackled me. Wait. Why the hell did he just tackle me?!

“That hurt!” I yelled in his face. He was still on top of me as we were on the ground, some people stopped and watched.

“Please tell me that this is not what happened to you last night after you hung up on me,” he said. Oh, yea. I forgot to call him back.

I pushed him off of me, “No, that is not what happened.”

“Well what did?” he asked, while helping me up.

I sighed and pulled him over to an area where there really wasn’t any people and told him.

“Well that’s weird,” he said leaning against the wall.

“I know.”

“Did you see him today?”

“Nope,” then my eyes started to scan the hall, but I couldn’t make anything out that would be Troy.

“Do you think he really got jumped?” Jake asked, looking thoughtful.

“I guess, maybe. Why?” I asked, eyeing him, he had the look on his face that showed he had some sort of idea forming.

“Well… Hmm, never mind, it’s not likely,” then he turned and walked away.

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