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(no worries it's only cause I'm ready to start the sequel ;))

3rd person POV: (I'm doing this from memory so it's not word for word)

"Let's see it!" Mrs. Hoffman said after Felicity left. Olivia, whom was sitting in a high chair at the table, grinned and clapped her hands as her father brought out a beautiful diamond ring. She knew what the ring meant because her dad explained it to her when they were picking the ring out.

"Oh it's beautiful!" Mrs. Hoffman exclaimed. Oliver then quickly hid it and winked at Olivia as Felicity came back. The plan was simple. Oliver was going to create a fancy dinner for his two favorite people and then in front of their daughter he was going to propose to her mother.


Olivia could barely hold in her excitement when Oliver went to get the dessert. Felicity was so full she didn't want dessert but Oliver didn't care. She didn't have to eat it. She just had to see it. He carried. It out and set it in front of her. She groaned and looked down at it. Her posture then changed as she sat up and her eyes widened. She looked back over to find Oliver kneeling in the floor below her. She gasped.

"Felicity Smoak, will you marry me?" he asked. Tears came to Felicity's eyes and she nodded happily.

"Yes yes I will!" She said. He took the ring out of the dessert and wiped it off with a napkin. He slid it in Felicity's ring finger and stood up. Felicity stood up too and threw her arms around him. Olivia giggle happily and Felicity pulled away room Oliver and went and picked her up.

"Did you know about this?" she asked her. Olivia nodded.

"Were supposed to be a team! You're supposed to tell me these things!" Felicity said. Olivia just giggle and Felicity kissed her on her forehead.


This wedding would be the final wedding. Felicity smiled with tears if pure joy in her eyes as her mother walked her down the Isle. When Oliver saw her in her new dress his eyes widened. She was breathtaking. Diggle grinned from the best man's spot seeing the look on Olivers face. Olivia was squealing and jumping up and down in her spot next to Thea whom was holding her hand. Donna was incredibly happy. She had always like Oliver more then Tyler. Felicity finally arrived to Oliver and her smile was so bug and bright. So was his. They were lost in each others eyes. It was so much more magical then her wedding with Tyler she hoped he would see this in the paper.

Felicity and Oliver barely paid attention to the priest as he spoke. When their vows came they both recited what took them onky ten minutes to write considering every word they had kept in flowed onto the paper easily. Then they finally kissed. Olivia gave a loud squeal earning a laugh from the crowd.

At the after party Laurel went over to the couple.

"We started team arrow back up. Just without the arrow." she said. Oliver nodded. The two people knew Laurel wasn't asking them to come back. She was just keeping then informed.


After staying in Paris for a few months the family went back to the house Felicity was engaged to in and had a good time. Olivia was growing and Oliver and Felicity were normal. Well, Oliver and Olivia thought so. Little did they know Felicity was helping the team in secret. Still though, all was good and they were happy with the occasional visit to Star City. Olivia and Sara were like best friends making them have to go visit more. Felicity was fine being the CEO of Palmer Tech from afar and being a famous singer. She even went on tour once bringing her family along with them. It was great.

Authors note: this is the second book I have ended at so little chapters. Like normally my books are at least 20 chapters at least but I figured it would be good to end it here and start my sequel idea ;) I will post another part when it's up with the name of it! Love you guys! :)

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