Chapter 3: World So Cold

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The light dusting of freshly fallen snow that covered the streets glinted in the light of the full moon. The sharp silence of the city was unusual but yet was nice. Inside my head things were anything but silent, it was like machine guns were constantly firing from one side of my brain to the other. Louder and louder and finally so loud I screamed out loud at the top of my lungs piercing the silence of the cold alley. It was then I noticed a man in the shadows, at first I was embarrassed that he'd heard me scream but then I got a little nervous. All my instincts told me to run but i was frozen. So I just stood there until the man apparently got bored and left. I breathed a cold sigh of relief as i watched my breath steam into the sky. The noise in my head was literally making me shake, or maybe it was the fact that it was four degrees outside I don't know. I noticed that I was extremely hungry, I hadn't eaten in over two days. I got my water by melting snow and drinking that as water. But that only made me colder. Now shaking violently I prayed to god, any god that this would just end. But I didn't wanna die, true I didn't have much to live for but I didn't wanna just give up and let death have an easy victory but yet.....  The battle in my head was at its climax so loud that i felt at any minute it would explode out my ears and into the silent night. But it didn't, it wouldn't, why not? I did my best to stay warm as visions of my past swirled around me. My parents who were long dead, my brother, my apartment, even the cops outside our apartment building. Everything, As I rested my head on the cold concrete time seemed to slow. And then nothing, no sound, no light, nothing. The battle was over and as I took my last breath I wondered who had won. I knew one thing, it wasn't me.

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