Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

My eyes flew open as the sound of screeching tires jolted me awake. I sat up quickly, instantly regretting the action as my vision blurred and the room spun, leaving me disoriented and slightly sick to my stomach. I guess I had gotten a little too comfy on the small lobby couch. My head throbbed mercilessly and my entire body felt sore. How long had I been asleep? My watch read fifteen minutes after ten, and a quick glance out the lobby’s glass doors and into the dark street confirmed it. 

Sitting up, I stretched my arms and yawned before slowly getting to my feet and turning toward the front desk only to find someone new there. An older gentleman, with gray hair and a handsome face sat behind the desk. I breathed deeply with relief, glad that the broad with the gum was gone. 

Taking notice that I was up, the man stood and came around his desk to approach me. "Hey there” He greeted with a friendly smile “Feeling better?" I didn't get a chance to look at his name tag before he introduced himself. "The name is Morris. I'm the night guy. Becky told me that you had come in earlier and was giving her some attitude." He chuckled softly. "Of course, she says that about everybody."

I took an instant liking to him. His soft quiet voice was a welcome contrast to Becky's stuck up nasal tone. "Um yeah, I was looking for Parker Harrison, but she told me he wasn't in and I figured I'd wait. Sorry if I passed out in your lobby; it's been a pretty long day."

"Not a problem. No one seems to notice we even have a couch, let alone if someone was sleeping in it." he said with a grin. I smiled gratefully at him and was about to ask if he knew when Parker would be in, when he cut me off.

"You're looking for Parker Harrison, right?"

 I nodded. "Yeah." 

Looking over my shoulder Morris nodded his head towards the entrance. "Well, it seems you're in luck; he's just coming in now. Looks like he’s got a friend with him too." He added with a raise of his eyebrows.

Following the direction of Morris’s gaze I watched as the door opened to reveal a pretty blond woman appearing to be in her mid-twenties, wearing a very classy, very tight, black dress that hugged her stick skinny frame and barely covered spidery long legs. I hate when people are unjustly blessed with accidental beauty; I think it should be illegal to flaunt your attractive features in front of the rest of us. 

Stepping into the sanctuary with a sour expression that made it seem as if she found the room quite insulting, she struck a sultry pose as another person entered in behind her, seconds later. 

Speaking of the genetically unjust.

My eyes widened when he came into view. Tall, lean, slicked back dirty blonde hair and handsomely chiseled features filled my vision. Clad in an expensive dark gray tailored suit and shiny black patent leather shoes, the man looked like a modern day god. I had to blink a couple of times to make sure he wasn’t a figment of my imagination.

 With a flirtatious smile and an ear splitting giggle, the bimbo, I mean blond, slipped her arm possessively through his as if to say “That’s right bitches, I’m with him!” and tossed her hair over her bony shoulder. Together the two looked as if they’d just stepped out of a Vogue two-page spread.

 Becoming acutely aware of my wrinkled clothes, frizzy hair, and the bird splat that decorated my shoes, I crossed my arms tightly over my chest and jerked my head in the direction of the two. "Is that Parker?" 

"Yeah, that's him." answered Morris, before calling out and stopping the couple on their way to one of the elevators. "Mr. Harrison!" 

Pausing, the man threw a quizzical look over his shoulder, almost as if to say, 'This better be good peasant!'

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2013 ⏰

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