Chapter 2

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Chapter 2-

    Today was the day where I finally met Harrys Mum, after 2 years of being together and splitting up I was just now meeting her. All it took was for Kinley to turn one for me to Fnally meet his mum. I was a bit nervous, Harry said she'd love me but I wasn't quite sure. I pulled myself out of the comfy hotel bed and go through my bag of clothes. I find a black jumper with stars and a pair or black skinny jeans. I was proud of all the weight I lost after I had Kinley. After getting the jeans on I turn around and see Harry holding his head up with one arm and looking at me.

"Nice Bum" he winks


"I'm allowed to look at my fiancé, plus I've seen you naked plenty of times"

"Touché Style! Well imma go get breakfast for us, anything you want in particular?" I ask

"Anythings fine, but be careful please. Take one the boys with ya ok?"

"Okay dad"

"Beau, I'm just worried that Taylor will hurt you!" He replies

   "I know, ill go check who's up" I walk over to the door putting on my combat boots and walk out towards the boys rooms. First knocking at Louis's, which was a lost cause..Ok next Niall he would come right? I knock but the door opens by it's self..was I in a horror movie? I walk in and find Niall lying in bed wanking.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD!" I scream running out

   What did I just do...should have know better. Fuck it I'm going alone no one will wake up this early. As I'm walking down the hall I hear footsteps in the distance. I picked up my pace but who was ever following me caught up. I feel a strong grasp on my elbow and I swing around.

"Harry?! Don't fucking do that!!" I gasp

"What did i tell you?" He sternly says

"Not to go alone"

"And why did you?"

"Well Louis didn't answer...I walked in on Niall wanking and well I know Danielle and Liam..Zayn still doesn't like me that much since yours and I's last break up"

"Then you should have came back! I would have went"

"Wait where's Kinley?" I ask

"Right here" he points to his chest

  I look at his chest and see her in a strap/baby holder that was connected to Harry. When did we have one of these?

"Harry where did you get this?"

   "Yesterday! Now lets hurry because we have a plane to get to!" He smiles taking my hand. We walk outside, and Harry instantly covers Kinleys face Keeping the flashes away from her. We continue to walk until we reach a small little resturaunt. Poor little Kinley had to sit and watch us eat. Harry gave her small bits of his pancakes which she seemed to love. We payed our tab and left quickly returning to the hotel. It was 11 when we got back so we decided to pack and leave. Harry's stuff was in his other room so he left to pack while I got Knley ready.

"Kinley you're going to see your nana!" I smile

   I had a bit of a struggle getting her clothes on, but I succeeded! Kinley was wearing her One Direction Onsie that was custom made sent from a fan. It was cute, I was a footsie kind and on the front it said My daddy's in the band and on the back had her name and the "1D" logo. I took a quick photo and uploaded it to twitter tagging the girl who sent it. I quickly got onto Harrys twitter and followed her aswell. I did this quite often hehe. Once everything was packed And downstairs in the car, we said our goodbyes.

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