Chapter 12

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"Shit," Cato muttered as he stood up.

"Cato!" I heard Marvel yell. "Shit! Cato!"

Cato and I looked at each other and then took off running toward the cornucopia. There was a trail of ash and damaged supplies leading back to our campsite.

"What the hell was that?" Cato yelled at some nerdy kid. I feel bad for not remembering his name. I just know he set up a trap to blow up our supplies in case someone had the guts to come near us.

Cato has this fire in his eyes as he walks towards the kid. Before the helpless boy could even say a word of explanation, Cato snapped his neck like nothing at all. I try to hide my disgust, but I know it's not going to work.

Without hesitation, Cato starts calling out orders. "Clove, stay here in case they come back. Marvel, find lover boy and bring him here alive. I'll be back."

I reached for his arm and asked,"Where are you going?"

When he turned around it was not Cato who I saw. He pushed me away a harder than necessary and muttered,"Back off."

Instead of crying about it, I let him go. I don't have time to over think this. It's just a part of the game. Right?

I decided to make myself useful and look for supplies that missed the explosion, but it's not looking too great. Damn she's good with a bow. I hate this girl for so many reasons that I can't even count on both hands. The girl on fire really knows how to play the game.






When I hear the two cannons, my mind goes straight to Clove. I took off running back to the cornucopia. I really hope that was not our good bye. An assholish good bye does not earn you brownie points with your girlfriend.

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