chapter four.

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  • Dedicated to the people who take the time to give my story a chance. thanks for reading :)

ok its 9:30...but its still sunday. i kept my promise.  

sorry that the chapter's a little short.


Jake’s POV

“Who is this supposed to be a drawing of?” Zac asked while throwing the drawing down in front of her. Her reaction surprised me. She looked down at the guy in the drawing with a questioning look. Then her expression changed to that of sadness. She reached up and brushed her hand along his jaw line.

“I-I don’t know” she admitted with a defeated sigh.

That makes no sense. She drew him but she has no idea who he is? Either she’s lying or there’s something going on here.

“Well you drew him…how do you not know who he is?” Zac asked, taking a frustrated step forward. She looked like a deer in headlights; completely frozen. I felt bad for her. She looked genuinely scared. Why was Zac overreacting like this?

“Nelly?!?” I heard a guy’s voice ask. Nelly’s eyes pinched shut and her head turned to the side. She looked totally devastated, like her heart just shattered. A tear leaked from the corner of her closed eye and she quickly wiped it away.

The guy walked up to her and wrapped his arms around her. Nelly just sat there in his arms, making no move to return the hug. Finally he pulled away with a look of joy in his eyes, but she just looked clueless.

“Nell. What’s up? How you been? It’s been like 2 years, hasn’t it?” he asked

“Jen.” Was the only thing she said. Her voice had a quiet tone to it. It sounded like she was fighting back tears.

“what was that? Jen? You want me to call you Jen? Why, I’ve always called you Nell, or Nelly. But its whatever, if you wanna be called bobby then I’ll call ya bobby. You wanna be Jen, then Jen you are.”

The group got quiet, and to be honest it was really odd. Four guys around one girl, all being quiet. I looked down at Jen observed that she had a crease on her forehead. She must be thinking really hard because she’s also biting her lip. She shifted in her seat and suddenly her hazel eyes grew wide. An exited smile pulled at her lips as she looked up at the guy.

What the heck?

“Chris?” She asked in a hopeful voice.

“Yes, Je-“ she jumped from her seat and wrapped her arms around his neck, pulling him into a hug. He was shocked at first but his arms found their way and rested around her waist.

“I’ve missed you so much” she said into his shoulder.

“missed you too” he replied as he buried his face in her neck.

“aww, what a cute couple. GET A ROOM!!!” Zac interjected their moment. Jen pulled abruptly away and tried to hide the deep blush that was taking over her pale skin.

“uh” she cleared her throat, “guys this is Chris, my best friend. Chris, these are…a bunch of random guys.”

I chucked and held out my hand toward Chris. “I’m Jake. It’s nice to meet you.” He shook my hand and looked at Zac.

“Not that you really need to know, but I’m Zac.” Zac stated and crossed his arms. Typical, for some reason he thought being the tough guy was a good reputation. Like all the girls would swarm around him just hoping for the chance to go out with him. I think differently.

I saw Chris glance behind me at the one who hadn’t introduced himself. “oh, that’s the silent one, Reggy, but we just call him Reg.”

Again things got quiet, but this time there was nothing to say to fill the empty space. Then Chris looked down at Jen’s desk. He quickly picked up her notebook, pure puzzlement in his eyes.

“Did you draw me?”


I know this chapter is short, so I’m going to write more tonight and finish chapter 5 in the morning, then upload it.

Tell me what you think? I really like feedback.

I’m the type of person who needs others’ approval. And votes and comments are that approval on here, so if you think I should continue this story please vote and comment. If you don’t then I get the feeling that you don’t like my story, chapter, or ideas. It makes me feel really insecure. Like I’m finally putting my ideas online but no one likes them. Please lift me from the burden of the unknowing and speak your mind. Because if you don’t then I might not continue this story, or any story.

Woah I just got all depressed…um…I got an idea, if I get 10 votes or comments, or 5 votes and 5 comments, then I’ll stop being all depressed and try uploading faster.

Sound like a deal?  Ok, good. Thanks everyone who supports me. I really appreciate it.


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