Confessions are never easy

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Hope you like this new chapter! :)

When Dan opened his eyes, he had no idea of where he was. His head hurt really bad, and everything felt like it was moving.

He looked around. He was at the loft, in his bed, with Cedric at his side. Something had to be really wrong for him to sleep with Cedric. But what was it? He couldn’t remember.

He stood up and went to the kitchen to find something to eat. It was then when he realized he wasn’t alone. His father was right there making breakfast. Waffles. What a surprise.

“Dad, what are you doing here” Dan asked.

“I’m cooking breakfast!” Rufus replies with enthusiasm. “Here you go, have this one”

Dan took the plate and when to sit on the couch.

What was his father doing there? So early. And cooking breakfast? And still he couldn’t remember anything from last night. That was a problem. A very big one.

Rufus finished cooking and went to sit by Dan. Neither of them said a word, and it was starting to get weird and very frustrating. They ate the whole waffle in silence, looking at their plates.

“Okay, what’s going on, Dad?” Dan asked finally.

“Nothing , Daniel. Everything is fine”

“No, it’s not nothing. And I’m guessing that it has to do with yesterday’s party because I can’t remember anything”

“You don’t?”

“No, dad. Nothing. Blank” Dan replied, “that’s why I would love to hear the reason of why you are acting this way”

“Well, you said some really weird things yesterday”

“Oh, man, what did I say?”

He was starting to guess what his father was probably going to say. After all, he went to the party for a reason.

“Blair Waldorf” Rufus said.

“What about her?” Dan said trying to stay calm.

“Is she the person that you told me you were hanging out with?”

“What made you think that?

It was better not to answer direct questions. But he was sure he wasn’t going to be able to fool his father.

“Well, the fact that you said you were in love with her, maybe?”

Dan’s face went completely pale.

He had said that? No way. To his father? He was never ever drinking again. It was not worth the consequences. Or the embarrassment.

“I would take that as a yes” Rufus said, “you should see your face, son. It says it all”

“I… I… I don’t know what you want me to say”

He, Daniel Humpfrey, for once in his life, he had no idea of what to say.

“What about: Dad, I’m going to tell you everything?”

“It’s just… it’s so weird”

“Tell me about it! I almost went in shock when you said it last night” Rufus said, “and what is all that about alphabetizing your books?”

He was dying out of embarrassment. Blair Waldorf was like a forbidden subject at the Humpfrey’s. Her name was only mentioned near words like scheming, Chuck or evil. And now it would have to be near words like love or beautiful.

“She just likes to do that” Dan replied, “did I say a lot of things?”

“What else is there to find out?” his dad asked, “unless… have you… did you… you know… that?”

“What? No! No, we haven’t slept together” Dan said, “I’m almost dead with a kiss, I don’t want to think of what would happened if I… you know. That”

“Chuck, right?”

“Yep, pretty much”

“And how does she feel about you?”

Well, that was a tough question. He wished he knew the answer to that one.

“So after the first kiss, she said to Epperly that the kiss was “life changing”…”

“That’s good, I suppose…”

“Well, that’s exactly what I thought… until she said to Chuck that it was life changing because it made her realize that she wanted to be with him”

“That’s not good”

“Tell me about it”

“I know something must have happened yesterday, but if I ended like this, I’m not sure I want to know…”

“So you really like her, huh?” Rufus dared to ask.

“Yeah, I do” he recognized. “It all started as friends, hanging out, watching movies, talking on the phone. And it was great like that. It was simple. And know everything is really complicated”

“Sounds like it. Until yesterday, I thought she was your mortal enemy. Definitely wrong”

“You know what the worst part is? That I’m pretty sure that I lost her as a friend” Dan said sadly, “it’s really weird, but we have so much in common. We like the same things and I could talk with her for hours. It really surprised me when we started to get along. Even more when she said she considered me a friend. And then, that. My stupid kiss that had to ruin everything”

“Well, son. You know how I feel about Blair. She is a mean and manipulative person”

“But she has a whole other side of her. That’s just a façade. There’s another Blair. And that’s the one I love”

“You didn’t let me finish. You know how I feel about her. But that’s not important. The important part is what you feel. And you should fight for her”

Dan was really shocked. Not only did his father accept his friendship and his feelings towards Blair, but he also was trying to make him fight for her. That was so not his dad.

“Yeah, I should. But I know her. With that Prince in the picture, she would never be with someone like me. She rather be death”

There was a knock at the door. And another. Impatient ones.

“I’ll go” Rufus said standing up.

He opened the door and he was surprised to see Blair Waldorf standing at the door of the loft. It still seemed unreal.

“Hello, Mr. Humpfrey. Is Dan here?”

“Yeah, he is right there. I was just leaving”

Rufus took his jacket and went to say goodbye to his son.He hugged him, and before breaking apart, he whispered in his ear.

“Maybe she would”

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