Dont tell...or else

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Hey it's Hunter. I don't have anything to say... I mean I don't really know how to speak undercover umbrella sooo... Yeah oh and Taylor says hey, and thinks that hunter is the most amazing person on the planet and loves me forever! Haha ;)

Anyway ill stop boring to to death so you can read the rest of the story :D

Kate's P.O.V.

'Oh she'll catch you later. But write now we have some unfinished buisness to take care of." Harry said with a cold smirk on his face. They all started coming closer to me and the next thing I know I'm running as fast as I can but can here footsteps behind me

Coming fast and the next thing I know I'm I'm on the ground with warm liquid draining out of my nose.

Fuck. My. Life.

"Your never gonna learn now are you?" Said Louis. All of the sudden I felt a sting across the side of my face. I held my cheek and wiped my dripping nose with my sleeve. They all started kicking and punching me in the side and on my legs while Zayn and Liam held my arms and legs so that I wouldn't be able to fight back while Harry, Louis, the bleach blonde 2 brunettes and the curly haired girl who was with Liam early today. Niall was probably with Hunter.

All of the sudden I heard a car screech and someone slam the door shut and running over to us.

"Every one go!" Yelled Zayn as everyone dropped me and ran in different directions.

"You tell anyone about this, you WILL suffer the consequences!" Said Liam in his deep scary voice. Then left with the others.

I sat up with cuts all over me and bruises already forming on my body. A figure started comeing towards me. The closer it got the more facial features I could make was my dad. Uh oh..

"Kate!! Who the hell are those people!!!??!!" He said panicking. He helped me sit up a little.

"I...i..I don't know... Just some random people who tried jumping me..." I said lying. He didnt look convinced. He shooked his head and rubbed his thumb accross a cut on my forehead. I winced in pain.

"Just lets get you home and cleaned up" he said while helping me up. And walking me to the car.

The ride home was awkward as I just stared out the window. As soon as we got home I went straight to the bathroom.

As I looked at myself in the mirror I saw 3 cuts on my cheeks! a slash across my forehead, a small cut on my chin, a black eye, and a surly broken nose blood streaming down out of it. Hell I had blood all over my face along with the wounds on my arms and legs.

I looked in the medicine cabinet and grabbed some alcohol and a clean wash rag and applied it to my wounds.

'Shit' is said to myself as the stinging started to occur. After I got all of the blood cleaned up, I went to my bathtub and ran a steamy hot bath. And waited for it to get warm.

When it finally got warm I stripped my cloths off and tossed them into the dirty cloths hamper. As I sunk down into the warm water I stated to think to myself.

"How am I going to survive 2 more years of this living hell?" I scrubbed carefully around my cuts and bruises while washing my face,hair,and shaving.

15 minute later I got out of the bathtub and went and got dressed into some green, hot pink, and blue pajama pants with a random white tank top.

After I brushed my teeth I went straight to bed without eating or even thinking of doing my homework.

~next morning~

I got up and put on a blue v neck shirt and put on my black hoodie with the words 'Pink' in silver glitter to cover up the cuts and threw some White skinny jeans and slipped on my silver sparkly TOMS. I threw my auburn hair in a messy bun with a black ribbon tied in a bow and for makeup I just put light pink lipstick on with the matching gloss, winged eyeliner, and a touch of mascara. I covered the bruises and cuts as best as I could with concealer and base.

I looked at myself in the mirror satisfied and walked out the door grabbing my stuff on the way. The cops somehow found my car and brought it back thank goodness and I drove to school,

~ at school~

As I walked in I saw all of the a-listers besides Hunter and Niall give me evil glares as I walked by. Hunter smiled at something that Niall had said and kissed his cheek and hugged him. Awe they were such a cute couple I thought to myself.

When I walked to my locker I felt eyes in me and turned around. It was Liam.

'What did you tell that person yesterday? And I want the whole story. Word for word..." He said and looked at me sternly like when a father is getting into the kid.

"That person was my dad and he just asked if I knew who you were and what happend and all I said was no I don't and they were just trying to jump me." I looked up at him and he just looked down thinking wether or not to believe me. He nodded his head

"Okay and you better tell everyone else that of they ask, ESPECIALLY Hunter!" He said and I nodded intimadated Watching as he walked away to the rest of the popular people leaving me in shock thinking that he was going to hurt me again. I let out a deep breath that I didn't realize I was holding and walked off again afraid that I might slip on what actually happend...


Sorry it's not that good but I promise it will get better! Hole you like it and keep reading.


~Hunter <3

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