Author's Note

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Just because I am different, doesn't mean that you are allowed to think about how bad of a writer I am and not tell me in the comments. If you have any thoughts, go on, tell me in the comments! If your comment, however, makes me decide to quit Wattpad, blame it on yourself. You would have been the one who had caused it. I thought you all loved some of my stories, but since none of you ever comment, I guess you don't. And since none of you have sent me a PM with the information that I needed, I guess you don't like my stories. I hope you have fun when I don't come on Wattpad ever again. I need comments, okay? I need to know if you like how I am writing these, or not. But since I never get any comments, I guess you don't support me. I guess I'll quit Wattpad. Because it's clear that nobody wants to show their support for the fact that I actually want to write, and to know if you like how I write or not.

Have fun on Wattpad without me.

I guess this might be goodbye forever soon.

If nobody comments on the next four chapters of this, I'm going to quit Wattpad forever.

Bye for now.

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