Chapter One

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Shaelynn stared out her window, not paying attention to anything around her. It was around midnight. Why was she awake still? She had just played Slender Man. And now she was scared to death.

All of a sudden, a rock sailed through the window, glass shattering, and small pieces of the window hitting Shaelynn's forehead, but not sticking into her skin. The rock had a note tied to it. She untied it, and read it.
Dear Shaelynn,
I didn't want to write this to you, but the girls forced me to. I'm sorry, my friend, but they say that you're so ugly that you don't deserve to be Unicorn's princess. I tried to contradict them, by saying that Unicorn never would have chosen you if you weren't the gorgeous girl that you are. They also say that you are a slut, and that you slept with their boyfriends. I know that it isn't true. Well, they're watching me now, so I really must go.
Cody, your best friend

Tears welled up in Shaelynn's eyes. She loved her best friend, she really did. But ever since she had been chosen to be Unicorn's princess, she felt that she was drifting farther and farther away from Cody.

Unicorn did nothing to stop the other girls from hurting Shaelynn. So she had to deal with it on her own. One realization dawned on her.
It was time for Shaelynn to stand up for herself.

The next day, when Shaelynn was playing outside with her pet dog named Potato, the girls came back.

The leader, Jennifer, stepped toward Shaelynn, hands already in fists.

The younger girl stood up, her eyes glimmering with determination. She said, "Well if it isn't Jennifer. The girl who was sure Unicorn was going to choose her to be his princess." Jennifer replied, "Well, if it isn't the slut who slept with my boyfriend."

Cody came forward, his eyes filling with rage. "Jennifer, Shaelynn did NOT sleep with your boyfriend! You slept with SHAELYNN'S boyfriend, which caused him to break up with her!"

Jennifer sneered. "Cody I always knew that you had a soft spot for Shaelynn. So why don't you date her, so I can sleep with you and make you break up with her?"

Cody snarled. "Nothing could tear me away from Shaelynn. She is a true princess, one that doesn't do shit for attention. She does what she does, because she is an amazing person. You do what you do because you want all the attention. And, Jennifer, YOU'RE the slut, not Shaelynn."

Jennifer the Slut turned back to Cody. "I suppose that is true. But Shaelynn is NOT as beautiful as I am."

Before Cody could defend her, Shaelynn beat him to it. "Jennifer, Unicorn wouldn't have chosen me to be his princess if I wasn't the gorgeous girl that I am. Because of this, Unicorn didn't choose you. You know why? I have natural beauty, while you wear tons of makeup because you always want to be in the spotlight. I get noticed because I don't do shit for attention. You are the attention seeker in this case, Jennifer. If you keep this up, Unicorn might just send you to the dungeon."

Cody was staring at her, admiring her brave words. The brave words that would eventually cause her to be beaten up even harder.

Jennifer had a sneer on her face as she stalked towards Shaelynn. The younger girl held her ground as the older one approached her.

Jennifer threw a punch to Shaelynn's face. But Shaelynn caught her wrist and judo-flipped Jennifer over her shoulder.

"This is why you don't mess with me," sneered Shaelynn, walking past the other girls.

But, Alice, one of Jennifer's slutty friends, grabbed Shaelynn by the wrist, and twisted her wrist. Cody started toward Alice, but Shaelynn was faster. She kicked Alice in the knee, then in the stomach.

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