Advice Column

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1)   So, I have been feeling really stressed out lately, any tips?

Sure. First of all, find what is stressing you out, get the root of the problem, and just try to think things through before getting worked up. It may sound silly, but meditation and deep breathing can really help you out just for five minutes before you go to bed; or some deep breaths when you feel particularly wound up. Also, exercise will release endorphins, making you feel happier, so try a few star jumps/jumping jacks, or go for a light jog. And last - but not least - just talking to someone and chatting away, putting the problem out of your mind for a while will totally help!

2)   Dealing with peer pressure at the moment; can you recommend anything that might help?

Well, I think that peer pressure is nothing to worry about, we’ll all experience it at some point, but just remember to be who you want to be, don’t conform to the expectations or wants of other people, just be you. Rather be hated for who you are than loved for someone you’re not. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist the cliché quote…) But all in all, it’s your life, so live it how you want it and be who you want.

3)   So I have an older sister, and I feel as if my parents are always comparing us. What should I do?

I totally get you; I have an older sister myself and understand exactly what you mean. It’s difficult, but do what makes you happy. No two people will be the same, everyone’s unique, and no one is perfect. It doesn’t matter how you compare next to one another, what matters is that you have done yourself proud! We all excel at things or completely flop at others, and there’s nothing you can do but just go with it - embrace it!

4)   I am constantly getting into arguments with my parents! What do I do?

Sometimes, the only thing you can do is to ignore them. Whatever they say, it may be best to just simply keep quiet and walk away, do the mature thing and don’t react.

5)   I have a secret boyfriend, but my mum and I are really close; do I tell her or not? What if she says no?

Well, you’re already boyfriend and girlfriend, the way I see it, there’s not much else she can do. I would tell her; I think she deserves to know, but just be gentle about it and don’t get angry if she seems annoyed or upset. Keep calm and tell her what’s happened.

6)   I have had a massive argument with my best friend a few days ago, and they are still ignoring me, what do I do?

Talk to them about it, if they still seem mad and upset and don’t want to talk, them leave them to cool off of a few days. After that, if you’re still not talking, either go and apologise first, or maybe just give it some more time. Things will eventually work themselves out for the better.

7)   I am very into writing and have accumulated a few fans on Wattpad, but I’m running out of time to write. Any advice?

Plan out your entire day in the morning or the night before. Schedule a time for you to write. If all else fails, then just try the good old fashioned BIC, (Butt In Chair.) and remove all distractions while you just sit and write. You only have to do it for half an hour a day, or every few days.

8)   Some of my friends are calling me a nerd for writing. What should I say back?

Honestly, sometimes, it’s just best to say nothing. That’s their opinion of writing, not yours, and you don’t have to agree with them, just don’t start an argument. If it’s something you enjoy doing, then go for it!

9)   All of my friends seem to be keeping secrets…

Well, I would say to ignore them; sometimes, ignorance I bliss and its best just not to know. If they want you to know what they’re keeping hidden, then they’ll tell you; just give it time.

10)    How do I convince parents to let me have a pet?

Beg them; seriously. There is nothing wrong with begging every once in a while. Show them you can be responsible enough to look after a pet and maybe look after either a friends or family members animal for a while to prove yourself. This will show them that you are serious and will pull your weight with looking after your pet.

11)    My pet has just died and I’m heartbroken; what do I do?

The best thing you can do is give yourself time to grieve over your loss, but you have to remember that it was probably in your pet’s best interest to pass away. I’ve been in the same situation and although you cannot replace them, you can move past their death before getting another animal.

12)    My parents are pushing me into one job, but I want to be something else; how do I handle this?

Your parents probably only have you best interests at heart, but you have to remember that it’s your life to live, not theirs and you should do what you want to don, something that will make you happy or interest you. Sit down with your parents and talk this through; stay calm and if things get too heated, walk away and talk about this a different day. Sit down with your parents and talk this through; stay calm and if things get too heated, walk away and talk about this a different day.

13)    My exams are coming up and I suck at revising; any tips?

Here’s a list of useful techniques:

1.      Watch YouTube videos relating to your topic – they can be really helpful

2.      Watch documentaries on TV related to your topic

3.      Spider diagram it all the way

4.      Flash cards – my personal favourite

5.      Roman runes – stick post it notes around your house and get your friends to quiz you. During the exam, you can picture somewhere in your house if you get a question relating to a certain topic.

14)    I’m in a relationship with someone quite a bit older than me; how do I deal with this?

First things first, don’t feel like this is a bad thing. I know many people who have been in relationships with big age gaps. As long as you’re both overage, things should be fine. However, it is hard to stay in a relationship with someone because of the age difference - keep that in mind. As long as you trust each other, you’re all good to go.

15)    My dad and I have a rocky relationship. He has mental health issues and wants me to visit, but I get scared by him. What do I do next?

One of my friends is in the same boat as you. If you feel that nervous about going to see him, take another family member to visit with you for moral support. If you just can’t handle going to see him, Skype, email or phone him. Just remember; he’s your dad and always will be - keep him as part of your life because you’ll suffer for losing him. And think how he feels; he wants you to be there for him, so try not to let him down and vice versa. Stay in contact and try to make things work.

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