Chubby Bunny!! :D

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Chapter 7! Yay! YAY! I think I'm gonna enjoy this one!

Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail. It belongs to the one and only Hiro Mashima and I cannot thank him enough for making my life that much more amazing!

"Hold on a second! What's the next game again?" Lucy asked.

Mira gave her a sunny-bright smile. "It's called Chubby Bunny! Isn't that an adorable name?" she giggled.

"Chubby Bunny?" Lisanna questioned, and she put a finger to her chin as she pondered.

Chubby Bunny. What could that mean? the takeover wizard thought.

"Give us a second while we prepare," Levy requested. She and a few others ran to the kitchen. That left Lucy and Lisanna, not to mention Asuka, at the table alone.

Asuka, despite being a young girl, looked to be deep in thought.

NaLu versus NaLi? Are they playing these games so Natsu can be with Lucy or with Lisanna? Then I think I should cheer for Lucy, because I think Natsu likes her, but I don't want to make Lisanna sad. What should I do?

Asuka stopped thinking about it and simply started laughing, much to everyone's confusion. "What's so funny, Asuka?" Lisanna asked the child while smiling at her enthusiasm.

Asuka didn't answer. Instead, she jumped off Lucy's lap and ran to Happy, Carla, and Pantherlily.

"What's the matter, child?" Carla asked tenderly.

"Do you want some fish?" Happy offered, cluelessly but kindly. "I doubt that, Happy," Lily said.

"Happy, let's go outside!" Asuka squealed. Happy looked confused for a second, but then he jumped up. "Alright!"

Alzack reached a hand out. "Hold on! Happy, take care of her, okay? Don't let her get hurt!" he warned with a father's concern laced in his voice.

"Aye sir!" was his terse but cheery reply.

Once they were outside, Asuka's playful attitude suddenly looked serious. She faced the flying cat. "Happy, let's go look for the boys that Auntie Erza kicked out, 'kay?"

"Eh? Why do you want to?" Happy asked. Asuka smiled with joy. "I miss them, that's all!"

Happy was seriously not getting this girl but he payed no heed. "Aye sir!"

With that, the two took off to the skies of Magnolia to look for Gajeel, Elfman, Gray, and Natsu.

Meanwhile, back at the guildhall, the girls had returned with a large bowl of marshmallows.

And either side of the bowl was a large tissue paper, one for Lisanna and Lucy each.

Juvia couldn't stop giggling. "What is it, Juvia?" Lucy asked.

"Oh, it's just the both of you look so silly with that eggy hair and blue tongues!" the bluenette replied innocently.

The two girl sweatdropped at the embarrassment. Truth, but embarrassing. "Never mind that! Get on with the rules, already!" Lisanna shouted.

"Cool it, I was just getting to it," Cana said calmly. "Anyways, for this thing, ya'll will be takin' turns to pop a marshmallow in your mouths. Once you do, you gotta say, 'Chubby Bunny.' The first person that can't fit another one in or can't say Chubby Bunny loses. Easy enough, right? Now get started!"

The guild could only sigh as the brunette went for another drink from her beloved barrel.

"You guys can Rock, Paper, Scissors for the first turn," Wendy offered.

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