The Secret Mask of The Beautiful Pressing Teacher

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"Yugi ! Can you come here for a minute ?" She asked as she opened the door slightly. "Alice, what is it ?" The little baby panda asked with all eyes on her now. Smiling she insisted,"Just come here, pretty please."

Jounouchi and Honda started to walk over. "You want us too ?" They asked. Glaring the lewd idiots she growled,"Did I even say your names ? Yeah that's what I thought." With that she shut the door and the two were stuck in the classroom to clown around again.

"What Jounouchi likes ?" Yugi asked. "Yeah. You'd know that right ?" Anzu asked. "Ah ! He'd probably like lewd videos !" Yugi answered. Us girls fell. "What is it with boys and lewd things, " She complained before getting up. "Not something like that ! Something a girl can give as a present !" I shouted. 

"And Alice is giving it ?" Yugi asked sadly. "Not me ! No way ! It's Mayumi who has a crush on him," She explained. Looking at his cute puppy dog eyes that were once full of sadness and rage now they were full of relief.  "Hey ! Alice !" Mayumi said.

Smiling she looked at the worried green haired girl. "Don't worry. Yugi won't tell," She assured her friend before looking back at the cutie.  "Right Yugi ?" Smiling now he replied,"if it's a secret, then I'll keep it a secret. " After a moment Yugi thought of something.  "Jounouchi likes games. Maybe something from grandpa's shop ?"

After school

They all watched Yugi's Grandpa search for something causing dust to fly around. "Yugi, I've told you this is how I got your Grandmother, if I recall it's in this box..." He said as more dust clouded. After awhile he dug up what he was looking for.

A blank jigsaw puzzle. "Send your feelings to the other person in pieces.  The receiver will put the message together one by one. And the message will expand. It's romantic !" He explained.

Next day

They waited but  both Jounouchi and their red haired teacher were late.  "Could it be he is absent today ?" Miho wondered softly out loud. It was weird, that idiot's health was his one good quality.  To be honest she never understood why Mayumi would have a crush on a guy like him.

"Made it in time !" Jounouchi yelled as he flew in. Sitting down the blonde seemed like he had ran the whole way to school. "I stayed up watching videos all night. I went to ned late," He explained, chest still heaving. "Lewd videos ?" Honda questioned. 

"Don't insult me !" He glared at Honda as he continued, "It was Hong Kong Action." The door opened and Chouno-sensei walked in.

It all went down hill when the idiot pulled out Mayumi's present. 

They all watched as that bitch teacher cruelly tore the pretty wrapping paper and the cardboard box with her red talons. Puzzle pieces fell out. With that Chouno-sensei began to put the pieces together. 

"Oh ! How interesting ! When you put the pieces together words come out !" She never liked this Sensei. Curled red hair, heavy white powder on her skin, heavy purple eye shadow and red lip stick. This woman loved to make student's lives miserable.  She should be called Cruelella, She thought as the horrible woman read the message out loud.

"Ever since I met you....I've always been preoccupied....Oh no ! This is a confession !" At this most of the class laughed except for them. I'm going to have Misdreavus curse that woman, She thought as her fingers gripped on her desk.

"That's no good. This would be a terrible distraction. In other words, against School rules. Perhaps leading to expulsion. Who owns this ?" Mayumi looked terrified.  This school is crazy, She thought.

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