Chapter 2

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"No. Absolutely not," the young newsboy shook his head.
"Why not?!" Katherine asked, "this could be my big break!"
"The newsboys strike was your big break Ace! This is crazy! I can't let you do this!" He protested grabbing her hands.
"Jack, circulation has gone down 10% because of me! I have to make this right!"
Jack groaned, "oh come on, Medda's shows aren't that bad Katherine! Is entertainment really so horrible?"
"Ten days. Ten days is all I need to get this done Jack! Think, if we hadn't published the children's crusade, the refuge would still be running and all of those poor children would still be mistreated!"
"Katherine that's completely different!"
"Is it really though?" She spat back, before standing and pacing the floor. "The women in this asylum are never seen again, something has to be going on in there we know nothing about! I have to do this for them!"
"Exactly Katherine! They're never heard from again!" Jack stood and grabbed her shoulders. "I can't lose you ace..."
"If all goes won't. I just need your help." She looked up at the handsome newsie and pleaded with her eyes.
He tried to resist her beautiful green eyes but gave in reluctantly. "What do you need?"

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