Chapter 1

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"You asked to see me?" The young reporter asked timidly as she walked into her editors office
"Ah yes Miss Plumber," Mr. Leonard said dryly "take a seat please." Katherine say nervously in the large red velvet chair across from him as he said "your last few headlines for us, have been complete failures of headlines." He said bluntly. "Our circulation is down 10% due to your no good headlines Miss Plumber."
The girl sat stunned, "oh..." Was all she could manage to stutter.
"It seems I have no other choice but to put you back in the entertainment column." He said straightening papers on his desk.
Katherine stuttered "no! No please sir I'll do anything! You can't just shove me back to entertainment! I-I'm a great reporter if you just give me the chance to cover something big!"
"You'll do anything you say?" The sleazy editor leaned forward and Katherine nodded stiffly. "I may have the story for you than."

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