Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Ready or not here I come!" mommy's voice rang through out the whole house.

I heard the wooden floor creak as my mommy crept closer and closer to my hiding spot. I could see my daddy wink at me and then place his pointer finger on his lips to tell me to be quite, from his hiding spot under his bed. I being the smarter one out if both of us chose to hide in the best hiding spot ever, behind the curtains that covered the windows of my parents room. There is no way mommy can find me now. I moved back a little when mommy stopped right infornt of the the window. I couldnt help it I had to let out a a laugh.

"Got you!" mommy shouted, I knew I was caught all because of my laugh.

"Damn it!" Daddy yells and I can see him coming out from under his bed. So it was him who got caught, not me. There is no way anyone can discover my awsome hiding spot, I'm such a genius for an eight year old.

I stayed quiet and listened to what was happening, I heard footsteps and then the slam of the door. My parents probably left the room.

"Gotcha!" I heard both my parents yell before I was grabbed from behind the curtains and got attacked by my parents fingers. They started tickleing me and all I could do was kick my legs in the air and laugh. They finally stopped the fun torture and told me it was my turn to go find them. I ran to the corner of the room and stopped right infornt of the wall. I covered my eyes with my hands and counted from 10.

"10...9....7....5....2...3...1" Yup I was an amazing mathematician, I mean look how good I can count from 10 without messing up at such a young age.

"Ready not here I come!" I yelled before I went out to search for my parents.

Just as I got into my room to look for them my daddy's cell phone went off. I knew that because my dad's ringtone was the sound of me trying to get his attention.

"Daddy, daddy pick up!...DAAAAADDY PICK UUUUUUPP!" I followed the ringtone to my daddy, who was hiding in my closet.

"Ahah, found yooou!" I yelled, jumping up and down in excitement that I found him.

"Yeah, sweetie you di-" and he was cut of by his ringtone again.

"Sorry, sweetie put I have to take this," daddy said and walked out of the room answering the phone while I continue to search for my mommy.

"Helen hun, can you come down here," my daddy calls from downstairs in the kitchen.

I run downstairs to the kitchen to find my mommy already there talking with daddy.

"Caught you!" I yelled catching both of them by surprise. Mommy whispers something into daddy's ear and walks towards me.

"I win, I caught you!" I yell.

"Yes sweetie, you won but Daddy and Mommy has work to do, so go play with your dollies okay?" I nod in response, sort of sad that playtime with daddy and mommy is over.

"Maria," my mom calls out to get our house maid.

"Yes ma'am," Maria says walking in while dusting her hands off on her pants.

"Can you take Eleana to her room and stay with her there, Richard and I have to go somewhere for work," my mommy says fixing the now messed up ponytail my hair is in.

"Bye mommy, bye daddy!" I yell before running to my room to play with my dollies.

I heard a courses of 'byes' and 'I love yous', but I was way to distracted to say anything back.

"Eleana.... Eleana, ELEANA!"

"Huh? What?"

I open my eyes to see the white blank cieling above me. It was just a dream, but it was so vivid and that was the last time I saw, said, kissed, hugged or played with my parents. That was the last day they were here in this world with me.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 17, 2013 ⏰

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