The Beginning of the Past

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Chapter 1

"Night aunt Jenny," I breathed out while yawning.

Sleep taking over me by the second, tomorrow is going to be a long and tiring day. I could vaguely hear my aunt say 'goodnight' to me as I made my way upstairs to my room, or shall I say the room that was given to me.

See, my parents died about a year ago, I mean it will be a year tomorrow. Yup, tomorrow is my parents death anniversary and I am not taking it well. I mean who would.

They died in a car accident and it has never been the same since then. My aunt Jenny, my mother's sister kindly took me in as her own daughter. Aunt Jenny showed as much love as my parents did to me, but its just not the same. I live with her now and its not that bad.

You know other then the nights I cry myslef to sleep wishing my parents were still here with me. But, Aunt Jenny always knows how to make me smile and stay happy.

She is very beautiful and very fit for a woman in her early thirties. Jenny is a divorced women with no kids and no one knows why she's divorced. That or I'm the only one that doesnt know why. I dont know why Uncle John would ever leave her though. We barely talk about her divorce because whenever the topic comes up she gets extremly mad and pissed and a bit heart broken and starts crying for hours. She probably loved Uncle John a lot. I guess I'll never know why they divorced.

"Shit," I curse as I tripped over my own two feet and fall face first to the wooden floor.

"Elena are you okay?" Aunt Jenny asked rushing up the stairs.

"Yeah, just tripped," I replied dusting off the non-exsistent dust off my shorts.

"Okay,well get to sleep we have a long day ahead of us tomorrow."

I was not in the mood to talk, especially about my parents death anniversary. So, I just nodded and walked into my room.

I looked around, this was nothing like the room i had back home. yeah, it was like 10 years ago, but it just doesnt feel right. No matter how bright the walls were painted and how happy my room looked, it just seemed like the darkness followed me everywhere i went. My room and everyplace I go always seemed so dark and depressing,

I heaved a loud sigh and walked over to my mirror and stared at myself. The girl who looked back at me was not the girl I remember 10 years ago. She seemed more happier and I guess more loved. But, the girl that stared back at me from the mirror looked torn up, depressed and emotionless.

My aunt always said I looked just like my mom. Apparently I got her blue eyes and her figure, but I got dads blonde hair. I can't quite remember much of my parents. I mean they did pass away when I was 8.

I would've loved to have them here with me. But, I learned at a very young age that you don't always get what you want, and wishes never really come true.

I know, I know, I sound so dark but you would be doing the same if you went through what I have been through.

A tear slipped down my cheek as I remembered my loving parents, I squeezed my eyes shut to get rid of any other tears. I'm not going to cry tonight, "I.AM.NOT.GOING.TO.CRY.TONIGHT", I repeated out loud. I opened my eyes and looked back up at the full length mirror infront of me and there standing right behind me was... was my parents.

Dad to my right and mom to my left. They stood there with big smiles that reached their ears plastered on their face, as they looked at me.

Dad then placed his hand on my shoulder and looked at mom with a proud smile, as if telling me that he was proud of what I become. I wanted them to talk to me and i wanted them to hug me and say 'I love you'. I reached up to place my hand on his, only to realize that there was no hand there in the first place. I snapped my head to stare at my shoulder and I was right there was nothing there. I looked behind me and got the same result. No one at all, stood behind me, it was just me alone like always. I looked back at the mirror desperete to see my parents just one last time, but when I looked back they were long gone. It was all in my head, but it just felt so real.

"Okay, I seriously need to get some sleep," I stated as I headed towards my bed.

I tossed and turned and nothing, I just couldn't sleep, it was like this every day since my parents left. My room temperature suddenly dropped about 20 degrees and it was freezing in here. At first I thought that the cold chills I felt were ghosts. I don't know dancing around me, you know cause they have a cold presence. But, then I realized how stupid I sounded and I saw my window opened while I searched the room for ghost.

Feeling stupid I stood up from my bed and walked over to my bedroom window. Just as I was about to shut my window close, I was something flash across the sky. It sure took a while to figure out that it was a shooting star. "I know" I said wishes dont come true but the one thing my dad taught my when I was young was to 'never give up'. So what the heck, I might as well.

"I wish I go back to the day I last saw my parents, I just want to see them one last time,"

I waited and nothing. Nothing happened at all, the only thing I got was a bunch of goose bumps that spread through my whole body becuase of the cold. Ah, who am I kidding I'm never going to see my parents again. I mean how can I see them again, they passed away and I need to get that throught my thick head,


My door opened and in came aunt Jenny.

"Sweetie you okay? Who are you talking to?" she asked looking worried, she probably thinks I finally gone crazy.

"Aunt Jenny, why can't i just get over the greieve if my parents death?" I asked looking up at her as tears started to fall from my eyes.

"I mean I love them but its been 10 years, I seem to be the only that can't let it go, but something is telling me not to. I want to let go soo bad, I want the hurt and pain to just go away," I continued while wiping my eyes with the back of my hand.

"Come here," she said in a soft motherly tone as she pats a spot on my bed, I walk over and sit down as she tucks me in.

"Aunt Jenny, I'm not a 5 years old you know," I joked.

"I know but, you sure act like one." she smiled.

"And nothing is wrong with not letting go, eventually you will," she continued.

I stayed still and didn't utter a single word. Aunt Jenny let out a loud sigh and ran her hand through her brown hair. She contined when she realixed I wasn't about to say anything.

"Elena, I know its hard, people may act like they're over someone that they lost but they never are, they just learn how to coop with it or they act like it doesn't bother them, you're just one of those people who seems to show it to the world,"

I still didn't say anything, so what if I liked showing the world how I actually felt rather than putting a fake smile on and acting like nothing's wrong.

Yeah you guessed it I'm the kind of girl who is all dark and sad at school. I have no friends, I sit alone and block everyone out. No one seems to want to talk to me due to my dark demeanor, but who said I wanted them to tlak to me. I grow up alone so it doesn't matter if I'm alone at school. I guess my parents death really effected me.

"Elena they love you and they always have, you know they will always be watching over you no matter what," Aunt Jenny said and her voice croaked as if she was trying to hold back the tears, that threatned to fall. She shook her head and stood up, she leaned in to kiss my temple and turned on her heel to leaves.

Before she made it anywhere, I reached out and grabbed her wrist. She turned around looking confused as ever.

"Thanks, " I stated truthfully, if she wasn't here I dont know what I would do. I love her and I'm glad to know she's here for me and has been through all the tuff times.

A huge smile spread across her face and I let go of her hand. She didn't have to say anything for me to know that she's proud of who I am now. After she left I started to think of parents and fell asleep, atleast I get to be with them in my dreams.


Okay I'm not sure if its a good story, if you think I should continue then tell me,

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