Chapter Four

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Tonight was the night I was making my debut. Louis and I couldn't practice as often due to him having to teach his partner Paula Deen. She's a crazy old lady. Sweet, but crazy.

I was sitting in front of a mirror getting my hair and make up done. I had on foundation, white gold shimmery eye shadow, a cat eye with the eyeliner, blood red lip stain, and mascara. I was supposed to get fake eyelashes but mine are long enough apparently. I was in the middle of getting my hair lightly curled when Mark and Louis came over. "How're you feeling, doll?" Louis asked. "Nervous." I answered trying not to pick at my nails that recently got a French manicure. "Is anyone here to see you?" Mark asked. "No. My mom's a workaholic. She hasn't seen me perform since I was 10. I'm lucky if I get a text and she remembers to say Break a Leg." I answered with a slightly forced smile. "Oh babe." Mark said sympathetically.

       I waved my hand in a dismissive way. "It's fine really. I sometimes have cast members as support. I'm used to doing things alone." "Well not anymore. As your new best friend I will always be there to help and support you. Also to bug you but that's another story." Mark said. I gave him a smile, "you're the best Mark." "I know." Mark said with a smirk. I lightly shook my head. The hairdresser put my hair in a elegant low bun and put a fake red rose in my hair. When she was done I put on navy blue rose stud earrings and a sliver rose necklace the chain is black. I stood up revealing my dress. It was a floor length navy blue dress with a slit that came up mid-thigh. It had two thick straps. One on my shoulders and the other off the shoulder. I also had on black dance heels.

"Wow. You look great!" Mark said eyes wide. I giggled blushing lightly. "You look beautiful." Louis said kissing my temple. "Thank you, Louis." I said softly. "5 minutes to places." A crew member said. "Okay thank you." Louis replied. Mark pulled me into a hug and kissed my cheek. "Break a leg, baby girl. I'll be right up here cheering you on." I smiled and hugged him tighter. Louis took my hand and we made our way to the dance floor. We got into position just in time.

"Welcome back to Dancing with the Stars. Tonight we have a special dance today. Please welcome our newest Pro, Annabelle Campbell dancing the Argentine Tango with Louis Van Amstel." The host Tom announced. Louis and I smiled at each other and took a deep breath. The music began and we started the dance. (I don't know dance terms well enough to write it out so please use your imagination. Sorry!)

At the end of the dance the entire audience was roaring with applause. There was standing ovations all around. Even the judges were standing. I could hear Mark all the way from the balcony. "Annabelle Campbell, everybody!" Tom said. Louis and I bowed then went up to the balcony. Louis gave me a huge hug once we reached the top. "That was phenomenal!" Louis exclaimed. When Louis broke the hug Mark run up to me and hugged me lifting me off my feet. "That was amazing!" Mark shouted spinning me. I laughed hugging him tight. Mark put me down and I was beaming. Sharna came over and gave me a hug. "You were fabulous! Welcome to the family, love!" Sharna said. I was smiling so hard my cheeks hurt. I have never felt so welcomed in my life.

              I started heading to the dressing rooms when I was picked up from behind and spun around. "That was breathtaking, Annabelle!" Val said. I laughed and spun around once he put me down giving him a hug. "Thanks Val." "So big news. You'll be doing a Tango with me in two weeks." Val said. "Seriously?!" I asked my eyes wide. "Very serious. I can't wait to get started. I got your number from Mark so I'll text you later." Val answered. With that said he left to get ready for his dance with his partner Tamar. I shook my head and went into the dressing room to change for the group Jazz dance.

           After the show I was heading to the dressing room to change into normal clothes when I heard my name. I turned my head and saw Julianne. "Hey! Some of us are going out to the club for drinks to celebrate tonight. Do you want to come?" Julianne asked. I bit my lip. "I don't know. I don't think I have any clothes for a club." I answered. "That's alright. We're all leaving to shower and change then meeting up there. Please Annabelle? We really want to celebrate you becoming apart of the team." Julianne said giving me puppy dog eyes. "I've never been clubbing before." I admitted biting my lip. "So it's settled. You're going out with us. We'll go to my place first then yours. I'll help you get ready." Julianne said. "Julianne you don't have to do that." I said my eyes widened. "I know but I want to. I have a feeling we're going to be good friends." Julianne replied with a smile.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 18, 2015 ⏰

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