Chapter Three

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            The next day I woke up at 6:30am. I took a quick shower then fought my hair into a single French braid. I dried off and put on lotion and deodorant. I put on black athletic shorts, a loose white crop top that has watermelon on it, and lightweight grey tennis shoes. I packed up my dance bag with a extra change of clothes, my character shoes, extra deodorant, a towel, my refillable water bottle, granola bars, and an apple. I went back to my bathroom and applied waterproof eyeliner and mascara. I put on a jacket and grabbed a banana to eat. I grabbed my phone and keys then left my apartment locking up. I hailed a Taxi and started eating after telling them my destination.

I walked into the rehearsal room at exactly 9am. I sat my things down and started to stretch. "Right on time. I'm impressed." Louis said coming into my line of view. I smiled up at him and went into a split. "I try to either be early or on time. Back when I did shows being 10 minutes early was on time while coming at said time was late." "Wow." Was all Louis said before he joined me in stretching. Once we were finished we stayed sat on the floor.

"We will be doing a traditional Argentine Tango with a non-traditional song called Take Me to Church." Louis explained. I rose an eyebrow at him. "Worries? Concerns?" Louis asked. "It's just that I haven't done an Argentine Tango in ages." I answered biting my lip. "The key to a great Argentine Tango is passion and trust." Louis said, "so let's get to know each other before I teach you the dance." And so began our version of 20 questions. They started off basic (favorite color, favorite food, etc.). Then they got more in depth.

"Did you go to college?" Louis asked. "Yeah. I went to NYU for Musical Theatre and Dance." I answered. "Impressive. Those are hard programs to get into at NYU." Louis said. "Yeah everyone thought I was crazy for double majoring but it worked out. I was done in 4 1/2 years." I replied blushing a bit. "Wait you mean you were in school while you did Broadway?!" Louis asked shocked. "Yeah. It was actually encouraged." I answered my face a tomato. "How did you do it without collapsing?" Louis asked. "I made a schedule for myself. I had certain times to do certain things." I answered picking at a loose string. "Did you ever have fun while in college?" Louis wondered. "Doing the shows was my fun. Sure it was a job but it was something I enjoyed doing." I answered. "Have you ever had fun outside of school and work?" Louis asked. "No. Now that I think about it I never balanced work and play very well." I answered. "That's not good, doll." Louis gently said. "I know but it's all I know." I replied with a slight smile.

      "What got you into dance?" Louis asked. "My mom put me into dance and gymnastic classes when I was 2. I dropped gymnastics my sophomore year of high school to focus on dance. What kept me in dance in all honesty was my depression and anxiety. I got diagnosed with it in 8th grade. My cope system was dance. I used it as an escape and later on a way to release. I found theatre my Freshman year of High School and found my second passion. I vowed to prove everyone wrong and succeed. I lost a ton of weight because I was known as the fat dancer. I didn't have the dancers body and I still don't. I'm big boned but I've slowly learned to embrace my curves. I'm still insecure but the one thing I'll never be insecure about is my dancing because I put my everything into it. I will admit I have my down days and I sometimes forget to eat or take my meds but I try to manage. All these years later and I still don't have a grip on my depression. That's one of the reasons why I work so hard and so much. It's why I don't get close to people. Dance is my everything. If I didn't have dance or even theatre I wouldn't be me." I answered tears slowly running down my face.

        I looked up at Louis to see him in slight shock. "Oh man I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to load all of that on you! It's not like me to open up like this. Please don't cancel this dance! I'll keep my mouth shut promise!" I panicked tears rolling down. Louis snapped out of whatever he was in and quickly pulled me into his side. I curled up in a ball and put my head on his shoulder. "Shhh Anna it's ok. You just took me by surprise. I didn't expect to hear that you went through that. You're such a strong girl. It's ok Annabelle just let it out. It's been bottled up for too long." Louis soothed stroking my hair. He gentle rocked us until my sobbing turned into sniffles. Louis lifted my head from his shoulder and wiped away my tears. "And now we're closer than ever before. That is going to show through this dance. I promise to look out for you Annabelle. You've been looking after yourself for far too long." Louis whispered. I gave him a shaky smile and mouthed, "thank you." Louis kissed my forehead and moved me so half my torso was on top of his.

      "What are you afraid of?" Louis asked. "This is my last question I promise." "Clowns. I'm terrified of clowns. I'm also afraid of being left and being alone. I don't like spiders but that's no longer much of a fear. And I'm afraid of disappointing people." I answered while playing with Louis' fingers. "Thank you for opening up to me, Anna." Louis said kissing my temple. "There's something else you should know." I said. "What's that?" Louis asked looking me in the eye. "I'm really nervous about actual lifts. On Broadway and in school we did what I like to call the 'Disney Lift'. I've never been over the head, crazy legs, lifted." I confessed. "Well you will be in this dance. Do you trust me?" Louis asked with a smirk. "I don't know why but yes." I responded with a smile quoting Aladdin. Louis rolled his eyes and got up. "Dork." He said fondly helping me up. "Let's get down to business." I smiled. Louis rolled his eyes which caused me to laugh.

     And so began the most intense dance rehearsal I've ever had. Louis pushed me to limits I didn't even know I could be pushed to. He got rid of my nerves over lifts and coaxed me through each one. I felt confident and secure with Louis. It was 6pm when we finally called it quits for the day. I had learned the entire dance and all we had to do now was fix mistakes and clean it up. "I'm impressed. You actually kept up with me. This is one of the hardest Argentine Tangos I've choreographed." Louis admitted wiping sweat off his face. "Well I have a great teacher and partner." I said with a smile. "You're one of the best partners I've ever had." "One of?" Louis asked. "Mark comes in second." I shrugged.

And just like I had set off an alarm or something Mark poked his head into the studio. "You two are still here?! Go home!" Mark said appalled. I couldn't help but to laugh. "Speak of the devil and the devil shall appear." Louis and I both chuckled. Mark just shook his head. "Come on you two. Annabelle hurry up I'm taking you to dinner." "Since when?" I asked. "Since now so come on!" Mark answered. I rolled my eyes, "give me a second to change." Mark stepped out the room while Louis just turned around. "I don't have the energy to leave. Don't worry I won't peep." I laughed and quickly changed into black boot leg yoga pants and a Fall Out Boy shirt.

"You can turn around." I said while taking off my character shoes and putting my tennis shoes back on. "That was quick." Louis stated. "I used to have 20 second quick changes. I've learned how to move fast while changing." I responded while putting my things in my bag. "Let me put my number in your phone. I expect a call or text when you get home." Louis said trying to be stern. I laughed and handed it over. He typed in his number then sent a message to himself. "I'll see you tomorrow at 10am. Sleep in a little." Louis said. "Okay. Bye Louis!" I said I gave him a hug. "Bye doll. Now hurry up Mark can be impatient." Louis said. I laughed and broke the hug. I grabbed my things in left. "Finally! Come on I'm starving!" Mark said taking my hand. "Where are we going?" I asked trying to match Mark's speed walk. "Some Chinese place. It's cheap and really good." Mark answered.

After dinner Mark dropped me off at him. I shot Louis a text and took a hot shower. When I finished and dried off I put on my pajamas and slipped into bed. Louis text me back saying goodnight. I plugged up my phone after setting my alarm and went to bed. It was an exhausting day.

Too Close (a Derek Hough love story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora