Chapter 4

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I walk down the road all day. I sleep on top of a tree branch at night. The next day I am walking down the road and I see a bunch of rough looking mercenaries. There's around 30 of them total, I walk over to them and about 30 feet away shout to them.

"Hello," I yell. I see several of them draw there bows and aim. I quickly draw my sword. I curse under my breath. If they charge, I may be able to kill a few, but not all. A man walks ahead of them and shouts.

"Sülh!" he yells, meaning peace. I put my sword away and in response his soldiers to. I walk towards then and look at the tall skinny figure. I look at his clothing, a long staff with a dagger at his side. He wears wizard clothing,and I quickly shout out a question.

"Whom are you?" I ask.

"Prince Devo of the elves," he responds.

"I do not believe you, why would a prince be with mercenaries?" I ask him. I look around and see several people staring at my sword, and I check to make sure there not doing anything.

"You may not believe me, but I am what I am, a prince," he says loudly.

"Well, anyways, how much do you cost." "2,000 crowns," he responds.

"2,000? For THIRTY MERCENARIES?" I half yell in surprise.

"We are very skilled. All of us," he says in response.

"Let me duel your best soldier, then." I watch as Devo nods, he turns around and walks away. He brings back 2 wooden shields and 2 wooden swords. He gives one of each to me and someone else.

"I am a skilled medic, I will heal any wounds," He says.

"Lets get started," I say. I look at my short enemy, with his sword. He must underestimate my skinny figure, because he throws his shield down. I keep a poker face but have a internal smile. This will be so easy I think. I step forward calmly and send a savage swing heading towards his head. He holds up his sword to block just in time, and takes advantage of that and steps forwards and trusts at my chest. I swing my sword as hard as I can against the flat of his blade, before it hits me. Its a skilled maneuver that in actual combat will prove fatal if the person that did it fails. It causes them to drop there sword most of the time,or at least stop there attack. He drops his sword in surprise and turns around, and grabs his shield. I prepare to hit him in the back when a arrow fly's out of the trees. I see the arrow coming towards me. I try to jump to the side, but, ultimately fail. The long black shaft buries itself into my flesh, piercing through my armor. I stumble back, and hear someone yell AMBUSH! I rip the arrow out, luckily the tip of the arrow comes out. I drop the practice sword and shield. I draw my Κρυσταλλική κάθαρμα σπαθί and charge towards the woods. Two bandits come out and one strikes out. I jump back and swing at him. He raises his shield, but my sword cuts through it like butter. He yells as blood gushes out of his new wound in his chest. He falls to the ground and I duck as the other guy swings his broadsword. I swing my sword, and him now knowing what my sword can do, jumps to the side barely avoiding it. I slash out again and this time cut his throat open. I turn around to see the mercenaries fighting around 50 bandits. I see another black shaft coming towards me. I try to jump to the side but the shaft buries itself in my throat. I hit the ground hard, and feel blood gush out of my throat. The last thing I think before I lose consciousness is I must not die from bandits.


Excuse spelling mistakes, for some reason I tend to make my new chapters in the middle of night... And by that... I mean 3 AM..

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