Chapter 2

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The TARDIS landed with a bang and groaned.
"Hay, what's wrong old girl?" The doctor asked, stroking the console.
"Why are you stroking her?" Clara asked.
"Because it soothes her."
"Well, once you've finished, can we go?"
The doctor and Clara set off for outside, arm in arm, and explored the surroundings.


They spent a long time walking around the streets of London, looking and buying things from stalls, dogging carriages, talking and just having fun.
Clara was beginning to get bored so the began to walk further down the street but the doctor sensed something wrong.
"Doctor, what's wrong?" Clara asked
"It's too quiet. I don't like it."The doctor said.
"Why? It's probably just getting late."
"No, we need to go." He said, turning, trying to get Clara to follow.
"Doctor, wait... Is that a child over there?" She asked, pointing to a doorway on the dark street corner.
"Yes, now we have to go, Clara."
"But I think she needs help. She's limping." She said, wondering why the doctor wouldn't let her help.
The girl fell to her knees so Clara rushed to her aid. The girl had cut on her skin and her dress was torn and ragged.

"Hay, are you okay?" Clara asked the girl.
"Yes" she answered.
"Are you sure? Do you want to find your parents or something?"
"No." The girl answered simply, "I want you to come with me."
"Why? Where?"
"I need help."
"Help with what?"
"Killing you." The girl said with what you could call a smile on her fave. Her eyes flickered white then went black, and she grabbed onto Clara's wrist. As much as Clara tried to pull away she couldn't, the grip was too strong.
The doctor came running up to the and renched the girl off Clara.
"Clara, come on. With me, in here, now." He shouted, pointing to a building.
They ran inside and slammed the doors shut.
"I told you we needed to go. You never listen." The doctor said. He was going to continue but shopped when he saw Clara examining her wrist.
"Are you alright?" He asked.
"Yeah, fine. Just... It hurts."
The doctor examined her wrist, "it should be fine. Just a scratch. Little bit of bruising, but nothing that will affect your ways of working and exploring."
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I'm sure" he smiled.

He went to walk away but he through himself at the door because the girl on the other side was pushing it open. She was howling and scratching at the door.
"Doctor, why is she doing that?" Clara asked.
"I'm not sure. She seems to be possessed by a demon or something."
"But how? I didn't think demons even existed."
"Well, evidently they do." The doctor said, locking the door with his sonic. "Now. Time to find out what's going on." He said, clapping his hands together and walking away.

But Clara didn't follow. She was just staring at nothing.
"Clara? Clara, hello." The doctor said, waving his hand and clicking his fingers in front of Clara's face. Eventually she came too.
"Sorry. Spaced out then... Why did I do that? I wouldn't do that for no reason." She said, holding her head and looking around.
"I'm sure you're fine. Just paranoid or scared maybe." He said, dismissing Clara's thought.
"I'm not scared" she huffed.
"Well, come on then. We don't want to get possessed do we?" He said, mocking Clara and waving his hands like a ghost.
"Shut up." She said, pushing past the doctor and striding down the corridor. The doctor just smiled and followed her lead.

(A/N)sorry the chapters are short and I don't update often, it's because I'm rubbish at doing descriptive writing and a lot of writing in general. I also don't know how to set paragraphs and speech out properly, so again sorry. But I hope you are enjoying it so far, even if this is only the second chapter, and please tell me of you're not so I can change what I'm doing to please you😉👍🏻

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