Chapter 1

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It was the middle of the night when the magical, metallic sound of the TARDIS rang through Clara's flat. When she heard it she got up as quickly as she could, picked up her bag she keeps packed for if and when the doctor comes and went straight through the TARDIS' doors.

"Clara!" The doctor called. Greeting Clara with his arms out wide.
"Doctor. It's the middle of the night." Clara moaned. She hated when he did this.
"Oh, sorry." He said, turning back to the controls.
"It's fine," she sighed, "where are we off too then?"
"Where would you like to go?" He smiled.
"Er... Somewhere we haven't been to yet."she said, walking up to the doctors side.
The doctor pondered for a while, "ok then... How about... Victorian London!" He beamed with way too much enthusiasm.
"But we've already been there"
"Yes, but technically that wasn't you, that was one of your echoes," he said, "and besides, I want to go there anyway."
"But you said I could—oh, fine. Never mind. We'll go there then."she said, huffing and crossing her arms.
The doctor patted Clara on the head, "that's the spirit. Now, go and put some suitable clothing on for the time period."

And Clara did just that. After a long while of searching for the room, and the even longer looking through the dresses, she settled on a long, patterned red dress with a shawl. Heeding back to the console room she saw the doctor hadn't changed.

"Why haven't you changed? You got me too."
"Because, this outfit is perfectly fine and I like it."
"So are you telling me that my clothes are not any good?" She teased, trying to hide a smile.
" I– no I– just– shush." He said, finishing by straightening he bow tie. Clara just burst out laughing and went to the console.
"Hold on!" And with that they went flying through time and space, holding on to the console in fear of falling.

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