Chapter 6

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As much as it was a good offer, I’d never let anyone take over my career like that. I’ve heard stories of comedians getting conned; and going bankrupt, thinking all the money they spent was “on the company.” 


It was just days away before my show in Las Vegas. Zoe acted as if going there was nothing. But really, I’ve never been out of New York State in my life. So, this should be fun. Mark said he might come, to star in a few acts. Hopefully not mine, he’ll steal the show. 


I haven’t even bothered in calling or emailing Joanne. And I don’t know why. I guess I feel too much love enough to give any back. Is that bad? Micheal Jackson gave everything back to the less fortunate. Maybe I should. Although, every time I pull up the topic with my manager he says we don’t have the money. 


So today, Zoe and I are going to the beach. She’s going to teach my how to surf. We started in the water park but how can you surf without real California waves? Wish my luck, Mark says the waves are rough.


And I intend not to almost-die again. 




“I think your done waxing.” Zoe implied nicely.

"Just trying to be safe!” I said and rubbed even harder on the board. 


See, Zoe taught me that surfers rub wax on their boards to make it water resistant. And it also helps you stick to the board. 


“You haven’t even gotten to the beach!” Zoe screamed from the beach, where everything was set up. “Come on!” 

“Okay, okay!” I hopped out of the Jeeps trunk and pushed the door shut. 

“Almost done the insurance documents, Jeremy!” Giles hollered after me. 

“Thanks a lot!” I ran down the narrow boardwalk and jumped near out cooler. Zoe was already in the water. She had her form fitting surf-shirt on and faced me, but laid on her board in a bored position. 

“Yay! Jeremy’s finally here!” She said sarcastically as I took off my shirt and put on the surf-shirt.


I swam up and splashed her, which made her fall off. 


“Let’s go, Zoe!” I say mimicking her voice. 

“Alri--ght” She gurgled and spat the salt water. She paddled hard out to the sea. I eventually caught up. The Ocean was calm for awhile so we could talk. 

“So, everything I’ve taught you needs to come out now, because it’s a lot difference out here than the pool.” She said rationally and looked me deep into my eyes. She was serious.


A wave started to build, and the moment of gazing was cut by a rush of urgency. 


And my stomach dropping 30 stories.


“Okay! Duck if it’s too overwhelming, go over if it’s still forming, and you want to ride. Only then.” She said and motioned to follow her. 


Both of us charged for the first wave but we both ducked under it. For a moment I was under everything but I pulled myself back up. Although, I then realized, there was another one. 


Zoe took the next one.


I turned my head and watched her rip across the top. She glided softly and at the end of the wave, jumped off. 


She came up and gasped for air.


“Jeremy!!!” She screamed loudly. Enough for the whole Beach to here. But that wasn’t the problem.


 It was when I whipped my head around to see a wave forming right behind me. I suddenly remembered everything Zoe taught me. Like she was whispering it to me in my ears. 


I went over the wave, intending to save myself from drowning. Surprisingly, I turned around and caught up to the wave. 


Before, the wave was chasing me, but at that moment I caught it. 


I was riding it for awhile and didn’t even try to do any moves or tricks. Just being in the curl when it was tumbling was more than enough. 


People say the first wave you ride, you never forget ---


I jumped with the board in my clutches, over the wave. 


---I never will. 


thanks so much for even reading to this point. this was written by me now. because when i was only 10 i wrote up to chapter 6. so here it is. i tried not to make a significant change. it was kind of hard. ;p

luvyas. :)


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 29, 2011 ⏰

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