Chapter 1 -- Sherlock

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A/N Hi everyone, this is my first fan-fic! YAY! If anything is confusing you send me a message (I don't want to explain it here because that will somewhat spoil the mystery and I think that working out the differences between the universe that this is set in and this one shouldn't be too hard)

Cya, Lost

PS. Sorry about short chapters, but I think that it will work best with a chapter change each time the character flips.



9 JANUARY 2010

A pair of intense blue eyes cracked open, and a hand fumbled around to turn off the blaring alarm.

Why was that even on? I don't need an alarm: only Mycroft needs alarms; I'm bloody Sherlock Holmes!

Once the alarm had been silenced, Sherlock's hand reached out and grabbed the clock, holding it above his eyes. He didn't remember setting an alarm for that morning; in fact he didn't ever remember setting ANY alarms. 6:30 the display said. He should have been up hours ago. Sherlock pulled himself out of bed, wondering where John had gotten to; probably spending the night at his latest girlfriend's house, he decided.

Walking into the kitchen and finding it devoid of tea, he sighed. As he opened cupboards, looking for some coffee, Sherlock noticed a clear plastic package sitting on the couch. Sherlock it said on the front in big bold letters. He felt that he somehow knew the handwriting, but filed that thought away for later consideration. Looking inside the package, he found the makings of a false identity to the name of Charlie Baker; a passport, birth certificate and a few other items. It also contained a simple note in the same handwriting: You'll need this.

A/N Time is going to jump back and forth a bit between Sherlock and Kaitlyn; sorry if it gets a little confusing

Also, Constructive criticism would be fantastic!

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