Chapter 3

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I woke a school? I looked around, confused. I wasn't in my school though. The lockers were dark purple and the doors were blue and there were glitter and stars everywhere just like in that prom movie. It was also dark outside, the hallway was dimly lit and I was alone. I suddenly had a bad feeling about this which was short-lived when I saw Kylie running to me.

"Kylie!" I cheered, a smile forming. I stopped, feeling some wet liquid drop on my shoulder. I pulled back and fell when I saw Kylie bleeding. There was blood everywhere; dripping down her face, a gash just above her eyebrow, blood dripping from her nose and neck onto her beautiful, frilly, blue, short ball gown styled dress and there was blood on the back of her sparkling, white diamond shoes. Her hair done up into a fancy bun, she was beautiful minus the blood part.

"Sky!" Kylie called, her voice dry and dying. I suddenly remembered the blood. I wanted to run but then I wanted to stay and help but before I could make that decision and just as I was getting up, Kylie fell. I squeaked, lucky the lockers held me up. I checked her pulse after a few seconds of perfect stillness; there was none, she was dead. I slowly stood up, scared, freaking out. Tears welled up in my eyes as I stood there but then a spine-chilling scream cut off to a dying gurgle, made me run. After turning a few corners and nearing a few hallways, I stopped seeing Annabelle nearing a corner. She had on a strapless, green halter top dress with dangling starfish earring and black knee high boots, her hair flowing in the wind. Suddenly someone or something jumped on her, knocking her down. It was hurting her, killing her, eating her. Then, it looked up, got up, saw me and headed my way.

"Craig?" I asked. As he passed through one of the fullbeaming lights, I saw him. No doubt it was Craig, he was wearing a tuxedo and holding a knife with that triumphantly amused, devious smile. I looked over at Annabelle and turned around, running into the dimly lit bathroom. I saw myself in the mirror and then looked down. My frilly, black, sequin party dress with a beautiful blue shash that showed a bit of my assets (I was a large B, mistaken once to much for a C), my beautiful white shoes, my flowing hair put up in a half updo, my sparkling blue eyeshadow and lashes, dangling mermaid dolphin earrings and dazzling, sparkly princess tiara. Dazzling, sparkling princess tiara? Wait a minute, only the Prom Queen gets a princess tiara and she's the last to die. Oh no, I had to get out of here! The bathroom lights finally came on full-force and I screamed, backing up into someone's legs.I looked up to see it was Phoenix in her firebird(red, orange, purple, pink) diamond studded, short-style, animal print zebra high heels, pearl earrings and her hair done up in a fancy updo like me. Someone had slit the back of her throat the long way and hung her up like a coat on a coat rack. 'Phoenix should've won this tiara' I thought and who knows she probably did but was just a nice enough person to give it to me. Pheonix wasn't really ever into labels so she could so she probably didn't care whether she won or not. Plus, she could just borrow a tiara from Kylie, who never wanted to win

any of these things anyway because she claimed she already had too many tiaras. Her mouth opened and her eyes moved, a small crock coming out. I screamed, falling back, scuttling to the back end of the bathroom wall, my heart racing.

"Phoenix?" I asked, getting up. "Are you still alive?" I asked, slowly walking towards her.

"Take...the...note" she finally managed to crock out and then looked down before actually dying. Her eyes moved back up and then she went limp, her body staying perfectly still. Probably the work of Craig. I looked down at Phoenix's hand to see a note. I slowly reached for it and grabbed it, afraid to open it not wanting to know what it said.I exhaled, closed my eyes and opened the note. 'Have fun yet cause're next' signed the Prom King and Friend.I sighed, dropping the note. I didn't know who the Prom King was but I really didn't want to find out. Okay, maybe I did. As I exited the bathroom,I peeked my head out and looked around. I stepped out and started running, looking behind me. I made it down a few hallways before I tripped and fell. I looked up and stopped seeing a dark outline with a red and gold crown on his head. Prom King? As the figure neared, I got up with a smile.

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