Fifth Day

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My dear Cecilia

The novel was exquisite and I quite enjoyed it. It brightens my hope for finding a wife someday...

So, in your question, you asked about me. Not my name, just a brief introduction. Very well, it is good enough. I am a 20-year-old bachelor, and some may say I'm very rich. I just call myself lonely. However, do not think that because of this I'm bitter. I actually quite like comedy and I'm considered a professional comedian by my friends.

As for my looks, I have quite ordinary brown hair and eyes, but I pride myself on the ability of seeing through a person's soul and make any woman fall for me with those same eyes. This is actually why I have a problem... I never know if the person truly loves me. My heart goes to those who I find simple and pure, but I can't actually find someone like that, and so I remain a bachelor...

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