Part 12

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Rythian knew he was too late. Xephos was in a heap on the ground, completely battered, and Lalnable was leaning over him, holding a dark sword. Xephos wasn't moving, and he seemed to be only just breathing. As a precaution, Rythian drew his own sword, before teleporting behind Lalnable. He stayed quiet for a few seconds, before speaking, "You shouldn't have done that." Lalnable whipped around, sword pointed outwards, as Rythian teleported backwards, just out of reach of Lalnable's sword. "Didn't you get it when Xephos told you that you aren't going to harm our friends? Apparently not." Rage was building in Lalnable. He could tell that the Enderborn was going to be harder to defeat, knowing what they were like. "You kids will never learn..." Lalnable muttered. Then he tried to attack Rythian, hoping he had the element of surprise on his side. He didn't, and Rythian parried his swipe with amazing speed. Lalnable growled softly. He wasn't going to use his secret weapon yet. Instead, he took a few more gentle stabs at Rythian, before leaping up on to a tree, and disappearing over the top. Rythian slowly turned around the clearing, looking everywhere for any sign of the clone. There was nothing. Then suddenly, Lalnable appeared about ten metres in front of Rythian, before shooting a fire ball at him. Rythian dodged it easily, but just barely noticed the next one. He jumped out of its way, but then saw the next one, and the next one, and the next one. They all missed him, but only just. Then they stopped, and Lalnable disappeared again. Rythian could hear his laugh though, through the forest trees, as dark clouds rolled over the sky, right about the forest and clearing. Rythian peered up at them, watching for any sign of what would happen. Then he realised what Lalnable was doing. He was making it storm. If the rain hit Rythian, it would hurt him immensely, as after all, he was part enderman. Then it started to pour. It wasn't slowly, as in, it didn't start as a sprinkle then build up, rather it just began, almost like the sky just opened on them. Rythian managed to duck under a tree before being hurt, but now he was at somewhat of a disadvantage. If he went out from under the tree, he would take damage from the rain, but if he stayed under the tree, he wouldn't be able to see where Lalnable was, and he wouldn't be able to get out quickly if Lalnable approached him from the front of the tree. "Having problems?" Lalnable called, from wherever he was then. Rythian peered around the corner of the tree, only to see Lalnable staring back at him. Lalnable laughed again, then he kicked Rythian backwards, and out from under the tree. The rain hit him light bullets as he fell, but rather than leave holes through him, the droplets of rain smoked on his arm, before disappearing and leaving blisters in their place. Rythian jumped, surprised at the damage the rain was doing to him, then he took a deep breath and tried to ignore the rain. Lalnable was closing in on him again, and Rythian could tell he was in even more danger. The rain was weakening him by the second, he'd already lost his teleportation ability for the time being, and who knew what would go next. But he couldn't hide under a tree. That would only draw out the time, and, after all, Lalnable was having no problems with anything else, so there was no point in waiting for the right time to strike. Rythian leapt forward, knocking Lalnable to the ground. They rolled for a few metres, before stopping. Rythian instantly reached for Lalnable's sword, but his opponent was quicker, and he flicked the sword away. Then he pushed Rythian to one side, and ran back over to his sword. He shot a few more fireballs as he went, two of them burning the Rythian on his left leg and arm. Rythian ignored the fire, and ran back out. As he ran, he formed a wind spell and slammed Lalnable with it, causing him to fly into the air, and into a small whirlwind. Rythian knew he had enough time to recover, so he ran over to Xephos and took his diamond sword. Then Lalnable fell from the whirlwind. He'd already taken a considerable amount of damage from the mini-tornado itself, but as he fell he was hurt even more. Now he and Rythian were on even health levels. Rythian held out the diamond sword, as he watched Lalnable carefully. Although they both had the same amount of health, Rythian was considerably weaker. That still put him at a disadvantage. Oh, and it was still raining. And Xephos was still lying there, dead silent [pun intended]. Rythian glanced around quickly, then back at Lalnable. Lalnable's weapon had disappeared, but it didn't deter him from another fight. He still had his magic. Rythian swung the sword forward, which gave Lalnable a fairly deep cut on his stomach. It didn't seem to be healing. Happy that he was making some progress, Rythian took a few more swings. They all hit Lalnable in various places as well. The evil clone was getting slower, along with Rythian. He wasn't as strong any more, either. Something was damaging him too. Lalnable growled again, as he stared with menacing eyes at Rythian. "That's enough play, now let's fight!" Lalnable yelled. He kicked at Rythian, who dodged aside and struck Lalnable with the sword. Lalnable stumbled, but turned and threw a punch right to the left side of Rythian's jaw. He then kicked his legs out from underneath him. Rythian quickly tackled Lalnable, only to feel a large burst of fire down his back. He rolled backwards, and Lalnable managed to pry Rythian off him in that time. He picked up the diamond sword, and started to take another slice at Rythian, when he noticed the light purple glow around it. Then he saw why he was getting weaker. It was poison. Xephos had a poison infused diamond sword. Lalnable laughed quietly to himself. If he was correct, then Lalna would suffer too. A lot. The sword cut right down Rythian's chest. Lalnable picked him up, and thew him away. It was hard for him now, as the poison slowly took over him. But it didn't matter, because it was a special type of 'poison', and it would end up making him stronger than before.

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