Part 3

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Lalna had only been in the room for a day or so, but he was already losing it. His throat was stinging from screaming and shouting constantly, and he was beginning to understand Lalnable's rage at him and all the other Yogscast. How could they have been so cruel, keeping him locked up like this? He couldn't move, he couldn't do anything but lay there, and think about the research the scientists would do on him. He was relieved of this, when a while later, the young scientist from before appeared. Before he entered the room, he glanced around nervously, and he seemed to be checking for every other possible danger than Lalna himself. After convincing himself that no one else was there, he unlocked the door, turned off the cameras and forcefield surrounding the cell, then he walked inside. He stumbled a few times, as he continued walking towards Lalna. "Promise not to hurt me?" The scientist asked. Lalna was taken aback by the fact that this scientist was so daring to help him. He had no idea how lucky he was to be helping Lalna, and not Lalnable. He would've had no chance with the clone. "Okay." Lalna replied. The scientist produced a small, rounded object, similar to a pebble, then he walked around the table Lalna was on, placing the object on each of the bonds securing him to the table. Where he put the object down, there was a small clicking sound, as the magic that held Lalna in place was pulled into the rock. After he had taken off all the magic, the scientist walked around the table once more, releasing the bonds. He got to the last one, and then he stepped back as he undid it, expecting the worst. But Lalna couldn't get up. After being held down in the same position for over 24 hours, Lalna was so stiff he couldn't even move. The scientist saw this, and so he went back up the table, and helped Lalna slowly sit up. After a little bit of stretching on the spot, Lalna was once again able to move. He glanced over at the scientist, who was now over in one of the far corners of the room. "Thankyou, for helping me." Lalna exclaimed. This was what he needed to escape. He had the whole cell unlocked. He was half free already. The scientist nodded before making his way back to the door. Just as he was about to open it, he felt a hand on his shoulder. He turned, to see 'Lalnable' was behind him. "I didn't catch your name." He said. The scientist thought about ignoring him, but for some reason, he had the urge to tell him. "My name's Trottimus." He replied, then he closed the door behind him.


Xephos was pacing up and down the coffee room, trying to figure out when he'd last seen Lalna, when Honeydew walked back in. "Lalnable is awake." He exclaimed, both nervous and excited at the same time. Xephos stopped walking, and turned to look back at his friend. "What are you saying?" He asked, slightly confused about where Honeydew was going with this. "I'm saying, that maybe we should ask Lalna's clone where he is. They are basically the same person, so they must have some connection." Xephos' eyes lit up with this idea. "You know, you may be onto something!" He replied, beginning to feel hopeful. "Let's go down there now."


Footsteps. Lalna stood up and stretched quickly, before turning to face the door to his cell. This was it. His chance to escape! Or so he thought. The door slammed open, and in strode Honeydew and Xephos. Lalna faltered, and as the pair walked over to him, he gave up on his original plan, his mind already working on a new one. "Lalnable, have you heard or seen of Lalna during the last few days?" Xephos asked, getting straight down to business. Lalna paused as he thought about what to say. "Yes, in fact I have." He replied. "Guys, it's me. I am Lalna." The hopeful look disappeared from his friend's eyes. "You can't trick us Lalnable, you aren't the real Lalna. Why would you be wearing your outfit then, and not his?" "Because Lalnable swapped me with him!" Lalna exclaimed, beginning to feel angry that no one believed him. "I'm not joking around, it really is me!" But Xephos and Honeydew were already walking back to the door. "Wait..." Lalna choked out. No one heard but him. The room was almost empty and silent again.

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