Girl Talk

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Do you know what happens when you take Oreos, chocolate ice-cream, a pack of Sour-Patch kids, and a 6 pack of Sprite? Let me tell you, you get two giddy, sugar overloaded girls. Avery sure knows how to help a girl out.

"Alright, now that we have eaten everything except two Sprites, what are we going to do now?" Ave asks standing up from the couch. Huh. What's next?

"Wanna watch a movie?" I asked popping open my 4th Sprite.

"Ooo! Yes I do. I actually just rented out four movies," Avery said walking over to the television. "Let's see... I got a scary movie, a mushy, romantic movie (she wiggles her eye-brows up and down), we have a comedy, and a good-but-depressing movie. Choose your poison," she threw all the movies at me.

"Well, they all sound good, but I would rather not watch a scary movie right now. I mean, after all, it is passed 11:30 pm, it's still pouring outside, and we are in your gigantic house, may I add, by ourselves," I quickly threw Paranormal Activity back at her.

"Way to think that through." She sticks the movie back on the desk next to the living room TV.

"And, while I like the romantic Dear John, I'm just not feeling it, ya know?" I said tipping my Sprite back to take a sip.

"Most definitely."

Avery takes the movie back and sets on top of Paranormal Activity.

"After what I've gone through today, I would rather not cry again, so let's just watch the comedy," I threw The Fault in our Stars back and placed Mean Girls in the DVD player.
———————————————————————————A clash of lightning awakens me, and I look over at Avery who also fell asleep. Somehow I had managed to shift my legs up onto the couch, resulting with her laying on them. The TV light was blaring the main screen for Mean Girls indicating it had been over for some time now. I use the light from the TV to find my phone.

3:04 AM

I sigh and struggle to get up and turn off the TV when Avery begins to stir. I look at her with her peaceful face as she sleeps, her chest rising and falling smoothly, like waves on a beach. She had been my closest friend since Elementary school. She was practically part of my family. Although we are like sisters to each other, we hardly look anything alike. While I have deep green eyes, hers are a type of Hazel, almost like the shade of a Citrine Crystal (maybe a little darker?). Her blonde hair is cut just an inch below her shoulders, and she has a soft round face. Ave is, and probably will forever be, my best friend.

I slowly pull my legs from under her, and drape the blanket that I was using over her. I get up without waking her, and turn the TV off. The room goes immediately from a bright and happy atmosphere, to a dark and depressing color. I silently walk down the hallway and open a closet under the stairs to retrieve another blanket. I grab a large, red Better Homes blanket and drape it around me. What's the use of sleeping now? I take one last glance at Avery before slipping outside to her back patio.

I sit down on a hammock located under her porch's roof. I cling to the blanket and begin to breathe in the smell of the rain. If I wasn't in such a crumby mood, I would probably be out in it running around and trying to catch raindrops on my tongue. That's what I used to do with Aaron.

I sniff, and bring my knees up to my chest, stopping the swinging of the hammock. Man, do I miss Aaron right now.

"What are you doing out here? I can't believe it is still raining!" Avery shouts to be heard over the pelting of the rain. She walks over to me, waddling with her blanket wrapped tightly around her.

"It was getting a little stuffy in there," I lied. The real answer? I couldn't really tell you. Maybe it was because I wanted to be alone to wallow in my self pity and sorrow. Yup, I think we have a winner.

"I can turn the heater off, if you want," she says motioning me to scooch over. I slide over, and she sits next to me, making the hammock dip lower, and slightly swing.

"Uh-yeah. That would be nice. Thank you," I said forcing a smile. She smiled back and we sat in peace and quiet just staring out into the pouring rain.

Finally, Avery sighed and looked at me. She wore a slight frown. When I turned my head to look at her, she noticed the silent tears falling.

"Oh, Beth!" It wasn't long until both of us were clinging together in a tangle of blankets, tears streaming our faces.

"I don't know what to do. I feel horrible! We can do anything you want. I know it must hurt so bad. I was just a close friend and my heart aches. Oh, Beth. Shhh. Everything will be okay." She hugged me and didn't let go until my violent shakes from crying had stopped.

"I just miss him so much! I know that he wouldn't want me to feel this way. He would want me to just get a grip and move on. I just can't! God, only he would know what to say to make me feel better," I chuckle slightly at the irony. Ave doesn't know whether to smile or not, so she just flashes a sympathetic, half smile.

"Come on, we can talk more inside." She took my hand and guided me back inside. After closing the door behind us, she walked over to the thermostat and turned the heater off.

"I'm going to go upstairs and grab some towels. I don't know how we managed to get so drenched. Care to join? I can bring you back one, too," she said trying to wring out her hair.

"I'll be okay. I'm just going to change into something a little drier," I said digging into my duffle bag.

"Okay, I'll bring down an extra towel for you. Just sit tight." She began hopping up the stairs.

I take my pajama bottoms and an Aaron shirt into the downstairs bathroom. As I begin to strip my clothes, the lights flicker, then turn off completely. I begin to scream, and I hear screaming from upstairs. I hear running down the stairs as I fly through the bathroom door. I remember my phone and I struggle to pull it out of my mess of wet clothes. Once I feel the familiar smooth edges, I turn on the flashlight. As I shine it around the room, I come face to face with terrified looking Avery.

We both laugh and find ourselves crying because of how ridiculous we both must have looked. It wasn't long until we had slid to the floor to keep from falling over.

"You...*breathe*...should have...*breathe*... seen your face!" Avery struggled to get the sentence out. I was sitting on the floor wearing only a bra and my tights. I had been successful in pulling off my dress before the electricity went out.

"Well, you should have seen your face! As I shined my light at you, you looked like a deer in a pair of headlights!" I was beginning to snort.

"Okay, okay! I call a truce!" Avery stuck her hand out. Agreeing, I shoved mine into hers.

"Now, please tell me you at least brought the towels down? I'm a little scared to go up there without lights," I began standing up. I offered my hand to help her up.

"Uh... Houston, we have a problem," she said biting her lip.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 28, 2018 ⏰

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