Sector 54-2

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The strange girl did not waver, did not show any signs of emotion. Riley, on the other hand, felt like his stomach was twisting around. He took a deep breath as he watched the girl. How could she not react to such a sick story?

She turned the laptop to face her. "Sir, I need you to remember every detail. What did the man look like, what did he say? Anything that can help us." She typed something as she waited for his response.

Mr. Kilhan looked between Riley and the girl. "That's it. I can't remember anything else."

The girl ignored Mr.  Kilhan as she unhooked a small silver square from the strap of her bag.  She held it out and a light flashed, leaving Riley temporarily blind.

Riley rubbed his closed eyes. "What the hell?"

"A picture," she explained.

It took a moment for  Riley's vision to adjust back to the low light of the room. When they did, they rested on his father. The large man had his arms wrapped around his body and he was rocking himself back and forth.

"Listen," Riley snapped at the girl. "My dad doesn't remember anything else. I think it's time you leave."

For the first time, Riley was certain he saw emotion on the girls face, a small smile. But when he returned his eyes to her, it was gone.

"I am not leaving without your father. I need to bring him in for further questioning."  She focused on the screen and began typing again.

"He's answered enough of your questions," Riley said.

The girl turned the laptop back around and propped it up with the bible on the table in front of them. Riley glanced down at the image.

"Watch this video," she demanded.

Riley frowned and crossed his arms. He wasn't going to play any more of her games. But his father sat forward and pushed play. Riley rolled his eyes and pretended not to care as he watched over his father's arm.

"Focus on the lower left-hand side of the screen. Under the overpass," she instructed.

Riley watched a weird flicker of movement, then a police car showed up. Then ten police cars showed up. "Are all those cops necessary for two guys? I mean seriously,  what could they possibly be doing?" he asked.

"They aren't normal men."

It was his father who spoke. That's what scared Riley the most. He stumbled over a reply, slurring his words together. "What...what do you mean  dad?"

"Your father is right.  These are not men. They are genetically engineered embryonic mutations created in a stem cell research facility here in Miami. Over the last  year the older mutts-mutants have evolved and in many cases escaped."

Riley sat back against the couch, staring at the frozen screen. "So... what exactly are you saying?"

The girl picked up her laptop and began typing away once more. "Perhaps you should watch the news report. It will give you a better  understanding of what the public thinks." She turned the screen.

Riley gagged. "He ate another man's face! Is this for real?"

"I assure you it is," said the girl.

SECTOR 54: run or rotWhere stories live. Discover now