The Signs Reading Fanfiction *

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Aries: Skips to the end to make sure their otp isn't dead and it doesn't end in a horrible tragedy then deems it safe to read

Taurus: Crying aggressively when aghast appears and can barely read through their tears

Gemini: Reads only fan fiction where there's no cliches

Cancer: Decides to keep it safe and searches in the romance and comedy genre

Leo: Is squealing when their otp gets together and loves reading fluffy fanfics because they have enough pain from the actual canon pairing that they don't ship

Virgo: Has about 10 billion otps and is a multishipper but they do favor their ultimate ship more

Libra: Fights everyone that comments hate on their fan fiction

Scorpio: Reads smut all the time because why not

Sagittarius: never finishes a fanfic because of the excitement of a new one

Capricorn: Only accepts fanfic with high views

Aquarius: is the one creating the fan fiction non stop

Pisces: their emotions mold into the story and they feel everything the characters do

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