chapter 4

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just another week.

another week of trying to find a way to show it's okay for two boys to kiss.

michael had barely been in his own house. his parents were getting worried and suspicious. next time michael tried to go out he was stopped by his mom.

"michael honey, where are you going?" she asked looking up at him.

"just to luke's house uh, we're gonna play video games." oh mom im gay and next week you'll find out.

his gullible mom believed him and told him to have fun. she felt much better knowing where he was instead of her calling all the time.

when michael got to luke's house he greeted his parents and went straight to his room as always.

"hey michael i have this really good idea. we should live stream the kiss so people around the world can see instead of just our town."

michael thought about it and he really liked the idea. "yeah that actually sounds great. by the if my mom asks we're just hanging out okay."

"you still haven't told her? what's gonna happen next week?"

michael really didn't think this through. luke always wanted for him to tell his mom. but luke doesn't control him so what's the point?

michael shook his head, "well it'll be a nice surprise for her."

luke rolled his eyes. so typical of michael. never thinking things through. maybe this is why luke started not liking michael as much. his bad habits. but he can always change?

luke thought about something that he came across just recently. "oh uh michael, i saw you deleted all the pictures that had me in it off instagram.. what's up with that?"

michael felt himself heat up. why wouldn't he delete those pics? "i didn't like seeing them, it was torture. it shouldn't bother you anyways, luke" michael said not feeling sorry at all.

"but they meant so much. i'm not going to delete mine. michael i really do look back at those pictures. i like seeing them." luke knew he wasn't going to win this fight but he kept going anyways.

michael rolled his eyes. "whatever, i'm just gonna go. have a good day i will be back tomorrow."

luke watched the other boy leave. he went on with the whole day wondering what he could do to fix his relationship with michael.

he didn't know if he wanted to be friends or actually boyfriends. luke did the usual and slept off his problems. that's how he found his peace... just silence.

ok this was boring sorry for not updating i will update so many times this week though

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 22, 2015 ⏰

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