chapter 1

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right now, michael was at luke's house. they were practicing to kiss for hours and currently they were on hour 2 before luke pulled back.

"okay that's a new record" luke said with a blank expression looking at the timer on his phone, he's been off recently and michael's the only one noticing but chooses to avoid it because he loves luke.

michael got off the bed and stood up grabbing his things. before leaving he turned to luke and said, "i'll see you at the same time tomorrow okay? i love you."

luke barely smiled and replied with, "goodnight love you." truth is luke is not feeling how he used to with michael anymore and luke's the only one to blame. luke doesn't tell michael any of this because he knows how much it'll hurt him.

the next day, michael came into luke's house smiling as always. problem was luke wasn't smiling. luke and michael went into the room and before they could start practicing, luke was ready to explain to him that he didn't want to be a relationship anymore. "michael you're probably going to hate me for this."

michael looked at luke with worry in his eyes. "it's okay just say whatever you need to." and so luke did. he said, "michael, i don't want to be doing this anymore. not the record but, us. it's not been the same and it's not your fault." michael started to tear up at this point. "we can still do the kiss though, i know it's our thing right now but you're my best friend michael."

he nodded to reply not wanting to say another word, he left the house and luke tried to get him back just quick enough. michael was too fast. just like that, the spark the two had just went out. luke lost his only happiness, michael lost his reason to be him.


first chapter hope you all like this im very excited for this story

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