Chapter 7 : finally

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Ran pov

It was night , everyone slept except me , i was thinking of shinichi's phone , why is it in our house , and how did it came here , and if conan is shinichi or no , i couldn't sleep , then "now i cant sleep , its the best time for investigating about shinichi's phone " i thought , i took his phone to see it maybe i can find something , and as i thought there was a password in his phone , i tried everything came to my mind , but non of them was correct , uh I'm tired  i wanna know everything now , i wonder how shinichi had fun with investigating , i now just wanna know , i don't wanna investigate to know , i wanna know the answer right now , I'm really bored from investigating , and i cant sleep because i am thinking of this , what shall i do , i wish i didn't find that phone , if i didn't find it , nothing would have happened , i would now , by this time be sleeping peacefully , not thinking of anything , while i was thinking i closed my eyes and end up sleeping i don't how but i opened my eyes it was morning , today i didn't went to school because i didn't feel like it , and because i am very tired , conan'kun went to school , today is the last day for him to regain his memory , what shall i do .......
I was cooking lunch , because after a few minutes conan will be here ,  then suddenly my phone rang , it was an unknown number i answered "hello who is talking " "oh hello ran it's me " "shinichi ! " "yes me , i wanted to tell you something " "and what is it " "have you found my phone in your house by any chance ? " "well , yes i was going to ask you this , what brings your phone to my house ? " "well from a few days i went to your house forgetting that you have school , then i didn't find you so i decided to wait for you , when i was waiting my phone rang , there was a very important case so i went fast to solve it and i forgot my phone there " "then thats it , and when will you come to take your phone " "now i cant take it you take my house keys from agase and put it there and when i have a chance to take it i will " " i was sure you will not come , by the way , conan'kun has lost his memories " "what ! How! And when!" "from 2 days we had an accident and everyone was okay except conan he had lost his memories , and the bad news is that if he didn't regain his memories in 3 days he will never regain it , and today is the third day and i don't know what to do " "what ! , i cant believe that , conan'kun lost his memories " "yes" "and what will you do " "for now i don't know , i was going to ask you the same thing " "well i either don't know , okay bye now i have to go i have a important case to solve " "bye"
I don't know what to do , i have to do something for conan'kun , because it is our fault he lost his memories , if he didn't regain his memories how will i tell his parents about that , then suddenly " I'm home " conan said

Flashback :

Conan pov

When i was going to the school , i saw haibara looking at a car gasping , it was a porch black car then i asked her " whats wrong haibara " "its ... " she said in fear , i couldn't understand anything what with this car , i have a bad feelings about it , and till now i'v never seen haibara like this , she's weird , then suddenly she hold my hand with fear , i repeated " whats wrong " she was really strange, she didn't gave an answer then my head started hurting me and everything was turning , then i lost conscious
While i lost conscious i started remembering everything .

Haibara pov

When i was walking to the school i saw gin's car i couldn't do anything but to freeze then i heard someone saying "whats wrong haibara" it was conan , i couldnt say anything and if i say he will not understand anything and he will not do anything , i didn't know what to do then suddenly conan fell in front of my eyes , i was shocked , what is happening , then after 2 minutes of thinking i called agase and he came and took us , and when i calmed down i explained everything to agase, and we found out that edogawa'kun lost conscious , we waited till he wake up , i guess now he will regain his memory , well i hope so .

Hakase pov

I was working on my new invention when suddenly my phone rang , it was ai'kun , i wonder what does she want , i answered the phone , then she said with fear in her voice  "agase come take me " "were are you " " beside the school " i went fast , then i was shocked when i saw shinichi lying on the floor and i was more shocked when i saw gin's car i shouted to haibara , then she came and told me to take conan , and then she will explain everything , after she explained i was happy that nothing happened , then conan woke up .

Conan : hakase what happened ?

Hakase : shinchi have you regain your memory ?

Conan: what memory , what is happening to you .

Haibara : you lost your memory

Conan : oh yeah i remembered .

Hakase : finally , i will quickly go call your mother .

Conan: okay , oh right i remembered , i left my shinichi's phone in my room , what if ran saw it

Haibara : it's easy call her and ask her if she saw your phone

Conan: and if she saw it , what will i do

Haibara : tell her that ...................

End of flashback


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And bye , wait for the next chapter 😉

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