Chapter 9

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Nana's POV

"She did what?!"

"You heard me.."

"How could she do that! I me-"

"Okay. Let me tell you the whole story. When Ji Yeon told me to stop being friends with you when we were still kids, I strongly disagreed. I mean, why would you just leave your best friend like that, right? Then she told me the whole story. Listen carefully, okay? I know you're parents weren't able to tell you this..."

"Yeah! Go on!"

"Your parents.. Well.. Your dad.. He got really drunk at a bar one night before your parents' marriage. That time, Jiyeon's mom was working as a waitress with a reaally sexy outfit..."

"Oh my gosh. O_O"

"Yeah.. and I'm guessing you already know what happened next."

"They had an affair and Jiyeon is their child?"

"Yes, and basically.. She's your step sister."


I can't believe my dad did that... Tsk, getting drunk is reaalllyy not good.

"But.. Why is she mean to me?"

"Because.. She's angry at your dad for using her mother. 4 years after she had born Jiyeon, she looked for your dad and when she found him, she didn't get angry but asked for financial help, even just for Jiyeon. Your dad agreed,  but I think we both heard him and your mom fought because of that??"

"So that happened when we were playing outside of our house! So the woman that visited my dad was her!"

"Yes, remember how I was shocked when I saw her there .."

"Yeah, you said it was nothing.."

"Yeah well I was actually shocked to see my aunt there.."


"Yah! Don't shout okay? Yes, my aunt."

"Which means... Jiyeon is your cousin?"

"Exactly. Now do you understand why I had to ignore you? She is my cousin and she didn't have any friends that time because people teased her for being a product of something unintended.."

So that's how it happened. Now I understand why JiYeon hates me so much. I thought she was just mean, but she was just throwing me her pain for what my dad did. I still can't believe my dad did that. My mom loves him so much that even after he did that, she still forgave him.

"Thanks for telling me the truth, Krys. Yah! I need to sleep now, you should sleep now too!"

"Yup, I'm really glad we're friends again, Nana."

"Me too. Sweet dreams!"


I think I'm gonna sleep really well tonight. :)

Suho's POV

Guardian Angel [Exo~Suho]Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang