Chapter 2

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Nana's POV

Hi! I'm Kim Nana. 18 years old, lives in Seoul, Korea, living only with my mother because my dad passed away when I was 7. I still remember the memories he left me, he even taught me how to ride a bike. Every Saturday I would ride the bike my dad gave me and go to the park to.. I don't know exactly, feel my dad's presence I guess? We always went to the park back then. It was really fun to bond with my dad, we would usually eat ice cream and run around the park then sit down on the bench, but now.. It's just not the same anymore. It's lonely.

I don't really have friends. The girls would just bully me a lot because of my looks I guess? That's what my old friends used to tell me that before they got bullied too far and moved to another school. So I am left alone again. I don't get why those girls are even bullying me, I mean, if it really was because of my looks, why? They're really pretty too. Even prettier than me, I think. The guys would usually talk to me and tell me I'm pretty until those bullies would bully them too for talking to me. I just don't understand why the people are so cruel to me. I've been a good person right? Oh right, you don't know because you've just met me--



"What? I'm not an orphan! I still have my mom with me."



The heck? She pushed me onto the locker door so hard. Great, another bruise for me. I already received a lot of those from the other bullies.

"Next time.. watch where you're going, loser."

Aaaand she walked away. Well, I don't blame her for getting mad at me. I'm the one that's stupid enough to walk down the hallway with a mind that's floating. Oh well, I'll just walk to my class now.

I don't know if they think I don't get affected with the words they are saying like "orphan" or "loser" or any other mean words they say but, I do. I really do. Every night I would cry about it and pray hoping everything would be better the next day. I know God would answer my prayers. Just, maybe not today. All I'm asking for is a friend. Even just one friend who can protect me from everything.

"Miss Kim, why don't you answer the question on the board?"

Oh great. I wasn't even listening. Why am I always floating like this? Oh well, here goes nothing. I stood up and went to the board. I tried to analyze the previous examples he gave and used the same formula to answer, since this is Math class, this should do the trick. I hope.

"Very good Miss Kim! The correct answer is 0..."

Really? I got it right? Thank God for my skills. I went back to my seat slowly, ignoring the eyes of my classmates who seems like they are staring into my soul. Especially JiYeon's, it's like she's chopping off my whole body right now with her eyes.

"See class, even though Miss Nana WASN'T listening to me, she managed to solve the problem..."

Oh gosh, he knew I wasn't listening. I'm so sorry!! Okay now I feel guilty. Again, why am I always floating?!

"The lesson is actually easy. So, JiYeon, please practice more on the lesson at home okay?"

OHH. Now I get why she stared at me like she's killing me with her eyes. Boy how I have a bad feeling about dismissal time. I need to start packing up my things now to leave early. And just how lucky I am to sit at the 5th to the last table of the last row. T^T


"Okay, class dismissed."

Okay Nana, you can do this, speed walking is the key----

"Oops, where are ya going there little miss smarty pants?"

Oh shoot. I knew she was gonna catch me somehow T^T

"Uhh.. Home?"

"Nuh-uh. You aint goin anywhere unless I'm finished with you."

Boy, how she is reaaaallyy scary. If I keep walking back I swear I will fall off the stairs anytime. Okay, erase that. Lord, please don't make that happen! I know You love me!!

"You think you know everything already? Showing off that you can solve the problem without even listening? Huh? You think you're so smart now, huh?"

"What? No...."

Oh no... I said it too soon. I am now standing at the edge of the stairs. One more step back and I will definitely fall down there.

"I wonder how it looks like to fall down the stairs... Would you like to give it a try?"

Why does she hates me this much? I mean, I understand that she hates me right now cause I kinda humiliated her a while ago, But really? Push me down the stairs because of that? Heeh. Oh well. I'll trust God with this.

Ugh, oh my gosh. I can feel her hand. She's gonna push me any minute now. I closed my eyes. I just can't watch myself fall down the stairs.


?? What happened? It's already been like 20 mins already and why don't I feel dead by now? I opened my eyes.

Ehh?? Where did JiYeon go?? Whew. Oh well. THANK YOU GOD FOR SAVING ME. I hope I go home safely today.

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