Big News

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So I wake up and Bridget is like screaming and telling us to get up. I pull the covers over my head and groan. Why the heck is she trying to wake us up at only 9:00.

''Fine I guess you don't want to know what Justin Biebr is doing this summer''  she said like we're missing out on going to the moon (I like the moon alot). But I jump out of my bed anyway and get dressed super fast.

I run as fast as I can to the lodge with the TVs,Bridget leads me to one with Justin's manager Scooter saying Justin is taking a month long break and his wereabouts will not be posted anywhere.


''You woke me up for this''? I say annoyed .I see Drew on the couch and wave to him.

''Ya I thought you liked Justin Bieber'' she says confused

''No I don't like him'' I saw Drews face drop for some reason ''I love him''I said with a smile and Drew's eyes lit up.

''So what do you want to do now''? asked Bridget

''Well considering i'm wide awake now lets go wake up the other girls'' I said


So I go back to the cabin and pull the curtians open and the yell bad words at me and refuse to get up. '' Ok i'll just have to go get the bucket'' I said jokingly . they both sat straight up with their eyes wide open they stand up and pull thier hands up in surrender.

We go down to the cafateria and get food then we decide to go swimming before the camp activitie of the day.I get my bikini on and text Drew.


k- hey you wanna go simmin with the girls and I

d-sure i'll be there in a min

k-k see ya


I turn on stuck in the moment by Justin Bieber and start jumping on my bed and it's so loud that I didn't hear Drew come in and i'm singing into a hairbrush and strumming a fake guitar . When the song ends he's laughing  and clapping ''encore'' he said I turned around and shreiked then let out a sigh.


K-'' you scarred me''

D-''sorry I thought you knew I was here but apparently not ''

K-''No I didn't'' I said bitterly

D-''jeez I said I was sorry and it's not like you were bad or anything you were actually pretty good''

K-''oh your probably just saying that cause you like me or something''

D-''No you were actually good i'm not lying and I would know if someones good or not''

K- ''how would you know your just a boy and you probobly don't even know the name of the song I was just singing''

D- ''I do stuck in the moment by justin bieber and why are you so upset''

K-''I don't know it's just I'm not sure ......your not like most boys I know I mean if I say the name of one of justins songs they have no idea what it is but you do how come you know so much things about him''

D-''I can't tell you''

K-''why I mean googles nothing to be ashamed of and how come you look extremly like him except your hair''

D-''Can we just stop fighting and go to the beach''

K-''fine but i'll find out sooner or later I promise you that''


We met up with the girls and ran to the water I was the first one to jump in then I pulled drew in and he splashed me in the face the next thing i know we're all having a splash war .

We swim for a while then I run to our towls cause the song baby starts blasting I pick it up and say hello?




K-''Drew how come you made me answer my phone even though you were right next to me''?

D-''I don't know I wanted to see you looking stupid''


I ran over to him and he was laughing with his eyes closed soI jumped on his back and said ''piggy back ride''

''ok hold on '' he said

He carried me around in the water for a long time then made me go under the water I grabed his leg and pulled him under I could still see him even though the green water we floated up to the surface and starred into eachothers eyes and his hand slipped into mine and he kissed me on the check I was blushing like crazy. My check burned and my insides were bursting into bueatiful fireworks.

Then the girls came over and said it was time to go Drew went to his cabin and us girls went to ours. I pushed them in then shut and locked the door ,turned around and slid to the ground.


R-''wats up with you girl''

K-''Is it obvious that I like Drew''?

R+B+V- ''Ya pretty much''

K- I touched the part of my check that he kissed it still burned ''did you guys see''?

''ya'' they all said


I  couldn't stop thinking about Drew did he like me as much as I liked him I had to know so I got dressed in my cutest outfit and put on makeup when I was down I looked awesome so I went to the girls and they said I looked good I checked what time it was damnet I didn't have time to go to his cabin before the camp thingy m bob. At least I might be able to catch him after it's over.

Summer Camp with a Star(Justin Bieber Love Story)Where stories live. Discover now